
I find it hard to play a role when I don’t know what’s going to come out of my mouth. We want more character control, not less.

I’m terrible with horror. I don’t watch the movies, and don’t really enjoy the games (though Alan Wake was really good for some reason). Dead Space stopped being scary before my first playthrough ended. The regenerating necromorph gave me all kinds of anxiety in the narrow passageway that required moving shelves to

It’s not that we never expected him to pass, but so soon. Many of us probably have family members older than 55 that don’t look like they’re going to die any time soon. Even Miyamoto is older, but looks like he has at least another 10 in him.

I didn’t like many of the business decisions that Nintendo made under his watch, but it’s still sad that he’s gone.

Of course it’s bulky. It’s a replica of the one in the game, and they have always been bulky too.

You mean Bioshock? So many walkie talkie interruptions during an audio log, particularly because there were so many of both.

He wasn’t supposed to be a great writer. He was supposed to be an extremely popular writer, and he had a week to write what is supposed to be an entire book while his mental and emotional health are complete shit.

You gained more experience for taking the stealthy approach. Essentially, killing someone gets you a cookie. Getting through the level without killing anyone gets you the entire jar. Not being seen will get you frosting.

I don’t get how Rockstar peaked their facial animations with L.A. Noire.

You think Monster Hunter is slow? I play with great swords and hammers, and it doesn’t feel slow to me. Dual swords are a fast choice. Your idea of artificial difficulty is complete crap, as it’s a skill based game. You can’t grind on jaggi for hours to get stronger. You get better or you die. There’s better

It's still only one Batman.

Baker and Tennant are usually pretty close in the race, and Baker has only lost a few times.

I personally have a hard time picking a favorite. My favorite classic Doctor is Davison, but the new Doctors have been too similar to each other for me to pick. Then I can't decide whether Davison is better than all the newer