
Wow, they’re really angling for the Wrangler crowd after all!

If you can’t afford one, you’re not the target audience.

So not really vanlifers then, more van-thatcrazyCOVIDyear-ers. 

I too am upset that I cant sell my apartment in the hot housing market because I am merely renting it from someone else. 

He also wants to ride comfortably, I wouldn’t say a 4runner, taco, or wrangler are the best highway cruisers

Trust funds are awesome if you can get them.

Fred is in for a rude awakening as to how the real world works.

Sure - it feels lighter (because it is) and much, much friskier. The downside of moah powah out of the same 2.0T is more turbo lag too. The R felt like it had lead feet, where the GTI knew how to dance. No comparison in a straight line, but I am not a straight line sort of person.

Turns out automakers don’t make money selling cheap cars, no matter the volume.

So in other words someone driving a CR-V or RAV-4....

we all just spent a year and a half inside because a lot of dumb people decided to let a virus beta test new builds inside their body and spread them to other people. we were already beta testers to stupidity.


Assuming you can even see to find yours after the guy in the giant SUV/pickup blows out your retinas with his eye-level nuclear high beams

Another vehicle we think is awesome because we can’t get it in the US.

And he isn’t good at either.

Erik is paid to write, not do math.

I love sitting at a 4-way stop until the person is waiving, flashing their lights, and honking because I won’t go. We could have all been home by now if you weren’t a complete moron.

It’s a term that’s used so often and so poorly, it doesn’t really have any meaning anymore. I just ignore it.

Two of the worst driving habits I see are:

i once had the misfortune of being behind a driver who apparently had a cheek full of chewing tobacco and decided to spit out the window rather than using a spit cup.