
A clean tank era Mercedes wagon with service history and a knowledgeable owner who clearly took care of it? Nice price!

I believe most of their motorcycles are RWD as well...

NEUTRAL: Chevrolet

5th: You don’t understand why a business venture needs to make money? How exactly do you think an economy works? 

I’d like to run Tesla so I can get nerds on the internet to worship me as a god.

Why call out the Chevy Bolt? It was far above the Audi, Jaguar, Leaf and eGolf... In fact its score was within 2% of the Tesla model X scores and at a score of 745 it was essentially at the 750 cutoff... did you really mean to call out the eGolf, which for some reason at a score of 696 isn’t mentioned as being

Toll road don’t need to be privatized - the Maine Turnpike turns a massive profit for the state annually, despite being the best maintained road in the state.

That’s the argument for paying for public transportation through general taxation too (no fares).

That’s pretty much what Japan does; near every major highway has a toll setup. Don’t want to pay the toll, drive the slow surface streets.

Why would they need to spend it on roads? That’s a decent place for some of it, but the point of taxing fuel is to reduce consumption, not too fund more roads.

Gas Guzzler Tax for all cars 25 mpg combined and worse. Zero exceptions.

The argument also assumes that tax dollars are used efficiently. I do not believe this to be the case.

Pittsburg NH to Winchester NH is only 205 miles. Why does NH’s public charging infrastructure matter to an NH resident?

I like the cut of your jib.

It’s more than a cheap shot. Let’s call a spade a spade. Bradley’s an entitled self-righteous prick who feels best when he’s forcing his ideals on others. 

Obviously the best plan is to force all Americans to” 

How about requiring a certain square footage of photovoltaic cells for every charging point? Even if it doesn’t provide but a fraction of the power used, it’s still going to be a significant increase when we’re talking about half a million charge points.  The people making the profit from these things should be

Why not federally mandate a universal charging port? All EVs should be able to charge at any station.

It’s not like Europe, China, and others are banning the sale of ICE cars in a decade or so. /s

I mean if they don’t they run the risk of a Kodak situation.