The Hollow Night

I will admit that we definitely designed it be as minimalistic and unobstrusive as possible for PC, and we’ll definitely be tweaking UI/UX over the course of First Access based off feedback.

Hey! Sorry for the late reply! sadly not! This initial release is just on Itch as we finish the last portion of the game (and hopefully get some of the team on full time to speed things up!) Then Steam, GOG, Humble etc and Xbox One will hopefully follow in about 6-8 months time depending on how smoothly things go!

It will be yes! We’re hoping to get it out alongside the full Steam release, and then look at other platforms beyond that :)

We already have controller supported implemented on the PC build! In fact, I prefer playing with a gamepad! We’ve added some subtle auto-aim and a ‘quick-flip’ to turn around 180 to make sure it’s an enjoyable experience!

These are some pretty old demos I made during early development. I’m actually in the process of updating our Soundcloud! Thank you though!

we’d love that to be a possibility, albeit, a very slim possibility :)

This is currently our approach to releasing the game. As much as Early Access *can* work in the right developer’s hands (see Vlambeer with Nuclear Throne), we’d rather bypass things like Greenlight/KS/Early Access and get the game out when it’s ‘done’, and not risk pushing the product out prematurely, where attention

Bacon IS delicious

*wink wink* :)

Thanks! Appreciate it! We’d obviously love to bring it to PS4, but due to our small team, it’s not currently feasible to target all platforms when we decide to launch! Microsoft just happened to show some interest first.

Preferably both!

Don’t worry! We’re looking into bringing it to other platforms. Just not at the same time :)

In terms of the permanence carrying across runs. As mentioned, it’s probably the most similar to Rogue Legacy, when compared to other roguelikes/lites. But we’re trying to make things a bit more flexible and player-choice orientated. You’re not forced to pick one of three traits you inherit, you can pick and choose

Being a pretty young developer in the AAA scene, I've already been familiarized with the nature of the internet and how punishingly cruel it can be when it wants to. So how it has affected me personally in terms of what people say about a game I've worked on, mostly glides over the top of my head. I think it's the