
No, they’re saying that the problems Germain has with the movie are not problems for them.

Oh thank goodness.

First review I’ve read for IF and, woof, that’s disappointing. :(

I’m going to guess that Ryan Reynolds himself is an IF.  That’s the twist.  

it’s a tad bit more complicated than that

As a kid growing up during the tail end of the monster craze his work was kind of omnipresent from the pages of FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND through both the local TV afternoon movies and the late night horror-host shows. I became a big fan of his Poe movies while in college which will always stand as the best

There are dozens of characters in most films. You’re assuming the likes of Hawkgirl, Green Lantern, and Mister Terrific are major characters because you’ve heard of them, but I suspect they’ll be in small supporting roles, barely more than cameos.

Maybe it’s just the lighting, but he looks kind of annoyed with that slightly furrowed brow. Like Perry's been riding his ass at the Planet and this world threatening death ray is the last thing he needs today

He’s still getting used to the fact that phone booths are really hard to find these days.

The texture/lighting is a bit weird - I guess it’s supposed to be battle damaged? But I like the vibe of the picture, less “grr grr this is serious shit” and more friendly, calm “don’t worry, friends, I’ll be right there with you, everything is going to be alright”

Well at least you’re hitting .333


Why does it matter if it were a FAMILY multi-use path? They weren’t designed or meant for motorized vehicles traveling faster and quicker than a pedaled bicycle.

This is one of those rare instances where both parties are wrong.

It’s a good thing they severely injured that guy or somebody worthwhile could have been severely injured.

Did the driver of the ATV not injure himself? I mean, he chose to ride his vehicle without safety gear, at speeds too fast for conditions, in an area he wasn’t supposed to be. And then he crashed his own vehicle at a high rate of speed into a stationary object of greater mass. Seems like driver error to me.

Did the driver of the ATV not injure himself? I mean, he chose to ride his vehicle without safety gear, at speeds too fast for conditions, in an area he wasn’t supposed to be. And then he crashed his own vehicle at a high rate of speed into a stationary object of greater mass. Seems like driver error to me.

I’m not upset at all about the serious injuries.  FAFO and all that.

Nah, bro. There are times when the cops should be skewered for their actions.

I’m trying to find an acceptable way that this could have been handled differently. Wait at the bottom hoping the ATV driver doesn’t run over anyone on the way down? Deploy spike strips, with probably similar results? Stand at the side of the road and shout at the ATV driver to stop, as he blows by and drives away?