
Wait, the ‘Put the pick in there, Pete’ guy is meant to be Scytale? That is a huge deal! I thought Lynch just wanted to give every single profession a litany of their own. Like the Mentats with their ‘through will alone I set my mind in motion’. I assume the Guild Navigator with a mop in the intro was muttering his

Leaning into the Bene Tleilax and Scytale was a good angle for Lynch to follow and expand upon. And it sounds like he was gonna get WEIRD with it too!

I was hoping the sequel would have a War-Pug. I’m disappointed.

I loved the silent nod of recognition from everyone in the theater when Maverick lays out the mission of the film and everyone thought “This is literally the Death Star attack”

This one hurts the most. This is the one specific corner of Star Wars I’ve always wanted on film.

Thank you! Let’s not pretend TLJ didn’t deserve a lot of the criticism it has gotten. RJ wanted to “sUbVeRt tHe eXpEcTaTiOnS” and that can be well received, but when it doesn’t please don’t cry that the mob is after you. 

The Star Wars movies plans have been in a free-fall ever since the dork reaction to TLJ,

I can’t disagree with the comments on Wonder Woman (has a couple of great moments and some major flaws, but mostly its perfectly fine) and WW84 (a total mess on every level), but Monster is not “little known”. Charlize Theron won an Oscar for it, FFS, along with almost every other Best Actress award going that year.

Has anyone paused to consider that this movie would have been really bad and we’re maybe better off? Jenkins was far from an inspiring choice to make one of these. Wonder Woman was only lauded because it was competently made (unlike the rest of the DCEU), not because it was exceptional, and WW84 was a trash fire of

You do realize that most State militias and the military are the conservatives.  There is not ever going to be another civil war one side has all the guns.

I know that if your only tool is a hammer then every problem looks like a nail. What’s confusing you is that this might not necessarily be a Right vs Left thing. In fact, it would be far more interesting if the movie steered away from such tropes, as they usually turn to parody rather than commentary.

Remember that movie where rich people hunt poor people from a few years ago that got delayed?

This generation’s Lord of the Rings was Endgame.

Hey, not really.

I’ll keep saying it until I’m blue in the face: The Marvels was ALWAYS going to be a failure, irrespective of its quality.

Captain Marvel is a bad film, full stop. Yes, it made a billion dollars, but a massive part of that was women viewers, who otherwise didn’t give a shit about Marvel or the MCU, coming out in droves

And it will be a huge hit on Disney+. There will be record number of new signups just to watch this film.

The thing I really appreciate about these movies is the spectacular level of dumbness to which they commit themselves. There’s no effort to ground the action in any kind of plausibility, like having a scientist character namedrop Einstein-Rosen Bridges in a Marvel movie. It’s just straight-up 19th Century Hollow Earth

I will gladly concede that sometimes we guys can be clueless about things, but to tell the Doctor of all people that he couldn’t get a female viewpoint? Have we forgotten the last incarnation already?

The time taken up is irrelevant if the writing in those 90 seconds is bad. The main issue I’ve seen people mention was the bit at the end about the Doctor not understanding because of not being female-presenting. It just felt very clunky when aimed at a character for whom it’s been established that gender is