
It’s time to start asking around your circle of friends if anyone is maintaining a Plex library.

This shit really annoys me.

It amazes me that Walter Koenig is in contention for last man standing of both Star Trek:TOS and Babylon 5 (yes, I know he isn’t technically part of the main cast but as far as I concerned he might as well be). It might come down to him and Bill Mumy who could be the last survivor of Lost In Space.

Is it even B5 if you don’t have to make allowances for extremely limited budgets?

Or, you know, that cops are people and there are both good ones and bad ones.


I never saw Kingdom of the Crystal Skull -- should I? Do I need to in order to enjoy this one, or can I skip it?

You couldn’t pay me to support anything with Miller in it. This will be one to download, not one to see in the theater. Not that any of you care about what someone does as long they use pronouns.

Technically correct, which of course, is the best kind of correct.

Just do what I do, don’t watch them

It pays faithful homage to the original film—but doesn’t quite recapture its magic.”

Super8 has an upbeat ending? I don’t remember that at all. I would choose Tron: Legacy over the original any day. Otherwise, a pretty good list. Contact is so earnest I love it.

Loved it and saw it in the theater with the very few others that did but Highlander is not that hopeful.

I’d say Adam Warlock felt tacked on and forced into this movie, not a natural part of the story that was being told. The thread with the Sovereign creating him from Vol 2 was out there and needed to be addressed, but it was clunky. The shift from Adam being created to get revenge on the Guardians for the embarrassment

“Did Quill give you this number?"

I expect better from this website.

I’m not sure this version of Adam Warlock is “bursting with possibilities.” Poulter’s fine in the part and all, but this Adam is essentially Martin Prince with Carol Danvers’ powerset. Peter Quill still being in play, and on Earth, that’s potentially interesting.

Interesting retelling with modern visuals... which does nothing to improve on the De Laurentiis film. At least they didn’t murder the book like Apple TV murdered Foundation.

Unfortunately it seems like one of the best aspects of Part 1 is not included in this movie.

Bless the trailer and its water. Bless the coming and going of it. May its viewing cleanse the world. May it keep the world on the hook for its movie.