
Man, this and the Section 31 movie would’ve been great info to have on First Contact Day.

I’ve always lovedPellaeon. He plays very important roles as the Watson to Thrawn’s Holmes, providing a lot of insight into what Thrawn, and later Daala, are planning in their respective campaigns. In that respect he’s kind of the counterpart to admiral Piet in the original trilogy.

Now playing

It’s the same outfit he wore in season 1, with minor alterations. Nothing new there.

You really complaining that a meeting between military officers discussing the status of their projects felt expositiony?

I vaguely recall a part where Palleon just breaks into a locked desk drawer to steal a data stick he can use as diplomatic leverage to formalise a truce between the Remnant and the Republic because he’s sick of the decades-long war.

Reading through this, it highlights one of the things I really liked about the old EU. Sure, the individual books might have often been garbage. But the idea that ultimately, the Republic and Remnant had to sign an official truce and forge a new path forward is a really good resolution to the story.

This storyline has been impossible to follow with all of the time jumps and different media types. 

My take was that Star Wars turned into Farscape so gradually that I barely noticed. This is either good or bad depending on your feelings about Farscape. But yeah, I’ll take entertaining screwball starwars over SOMEHOW PALPATINE RETURNED any day.

Is there a reason that you put two major cameo spoilers in a bloody picture a day after they happened?

Uhmm, excuse me? Her instant connection with SIR Grogu, thank you very much. 

End of the day we’ve seen legit versions of this story. We’ve also seen people making shit up. Asking me to have an opinion at this point seems a bit much.  Here’s what I feel about Majors right now: nothing.

If he ends up sharing a cell with Ezra Miller would that count as a DC/Marvel crossover?   

But just as Din begins the ritual, he’s dragged beneath the surface by a huge beast

Hearing that there’s a big creature isn’t much of a spoiler - that describes like, a third of the episodes of this show anyway (there were two separate examples just last week). If you read further... well, why?

Well... they did delve too deep.

Came here just to say the same.

Nice Khazad-Dum vibes from the Mines. And I dug the Morlock-type creatures.

I live to serve!

This is dumbest, nerdiest argument possible. It’s intellectual inchoate and just lowering everyone’s IQ. The argument equivalent of a Funko Pop. Clunky, inhuman dialogue that sounds like a bad PS2 game isn’t “timeless”, it’s just shit.

Starred for the Venture Bros. ‘cause that’s what I thought. My GF was also affected by the animation of Spider-verse.