Arpad Okay

It sounds like they are handling Sam in a positive way.

I haven’t been to the LCS in a few weeks, but I’m headed there Saturday. I bought a digital Ms. Marvel to review it before my deadline, but I am gonna go buy it physically too (as I did with Squirrel Girl). Also gotta grab the most recent 8house. I miss the O-Deck Pull List, but I get how busy Brawl is right now.

I guess it’s an archer thing?

I love how Wilson has taken the idea of Ms. Marvel as an icon and turned it on its ear. When I think of Ms. Marvel’s face being pasted onto something, it is this:

I was considering writing it up for the O-Deck, too, but I would have to find a different angle than the one I used to write about it for Doom Rocket.

Ironically the writing for the books with art appealing to teens is very mature and deep and the books with art appealing to grown-ups are essentially vehicles to mashup characters and flimsy moral dilemmas no one will remember in a month.

I definitely didn’t catch it my first time through, but I was deep enough in love with the writing by the season’s end that I was actually excited to go back and watch it again as a whole. I get that season 2 might have been a hard first watch, but I am the type who would rather watch a few shows over and over and

I find all the human error in this post about sub-par artificial intelligence oddly charming.

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I think that both seasons had strengths and weaknesses. I am particularly fond of bringing up Velcoro’s dream to prove how good the writing was.

Great read. Now I must rewatch. Well done.

Bad (or at least frustrating) news today for Twin Peaks fans

Also begs the question, how does one re-use unused footage?

I can’t help but notice that the text at the bottom of the page also mentions a squirrel bite, cosmic rays, super-serum and radioactivity.

The most baffling thing with this retcon—if it’s for real—is that it’s totally unnecessary.

Yeah, that feeling.

Lady Brutus

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Solid article, but where are Suzanne Ciani, Daphne Oram, Doris Norton, Delia Derbyshire, Laurie Speigel? The only lady I am seeing here is Wendy, and her half a sentence feels a bit like a lead up to how amazing Kraftwerk are rather than something that acknowledges her monumental contribution to the field.

Plus the Braddocks used to hang out with Gallifreyan mercenaries. Not nearly as weird as Death’s Head (yes?) and the Doctor but the Marvel UK Doctor Who overlap is odd stuff indeed.