
Well some complaints here are that they people working at the paper should have been paid more and that the quality of journalism is suffering.

“No one predicted Tsunamis in Japan? Bullshit.”

McGrath seems like a perfect candidate for KY not the Bronx. Certainly better than the turtle headed fuck stick they have now. I’ll take another (D) for the win thanks. 

This analysis is not only bad, but it’s the same lazy analysis that we read time and time again. So are you postulating that an AOC candidate would have more success in these districts? The reality is that many places are conservative. Even more are socially conservative. In the South, many Democrats and especially

The establishment Dem leadership have been terrified of running as a liberal because Reagan destroyed them in 1984 when they ran as liberals and Bill Clinton ran as a thirdway conservative Dem and won. Because of that their strategy has been to ignore the unions, cozy up to big business and run as openly conservative

For fucks sake, given the choice between a conservative Democrat and a republican, the conservative voter will go with the Republican every. single. time. The problem is not that Dems need conservative/Republican voters— it is the fact that these conservative Dems don’t bring out the vote of liberal independents and

Why would a Republican voter change their vote to a Democrat pretending to be a Republican? They know what they’re getting with a Republican and they would never trust a Democrat pretending to be a Republican.

Germany is also buying every available cubic meter of Russian natural gas to do so. And before you decide to spout shit, I’ve worked on EU renewable energy and conservation projects going back to the late 80s, so just don’t…

Big Carl’s building a nuclear power plant. Cool!

Thank you. Nuclear power plants must be near water to cool their reactors. Maybe not a good idea to build them while sea levels are rising due to the melting polar ice caps.

Nuclear has a foible or two but it’s the best base load power generation source this side of hydro. Wind and Solar do not compare in this metric. If you’re basing safety on the only 3 events in the entire history of nuclear power, then it actually is safe. There is no getting off fossil fuels without nuclear at least

In most cases, you’re better off cutting your losses and run. Especially if the psycho is in upper management and/or has been with the company a long time. Like the article says, these people are manipulative. If they were able to climb the ladder and stay there long enough, they’ve gaslighted enough people to secure

I once worked with a senior executive who absolutely delighted (amongst other narcissistic, psycho behaviors) in pitting people against each other, watching the mayhem, then sweeping in to intervene and resolve the issue. In the course of her 11-year reign of terror, just under 80 of her direct reports either quit or

It ain’t even because money, it is because it will outrage the libs. He wants to destroy America to pwn the libs, and he is trying anything to get some more wedge issues. Trump is such a jackass.

Paywalls are there so the news organizations can pay their employees. Information isn’t free, it takes a lot of people to find, communicate, then distribute it. We all should be paid for our work and pay for what we use.

He also had this great quote:

Mostly because if they were unionized like their peers in the main office, they would have had better pay and severance.

That’s because it isn’t about logic. It’s tribal, and you and I are not in their tribe. Tribe comes first, then logic is used to justify its positions, not the other way around. 

Oh my god, not the workforce and the community! Horror of horrors, we wouldn’t want to give any money to those people!

aka “Starving to death to own the libtards”