
Most major cities use hotels as the source of revenue through high local taxes and fees- even in Red states. For example, in Oklahoma City, the combined hotel tax rate is nearly 14%. In Chicago it’s 17%. In Little Rock it’s 15%

I find it helpful in moderate to low-ish light situations. Essentially it makes bar, restaurant, sunset and streetlight shots better.

Ignorance of the law is not an excuse for people, but is an excuse for cops, whose job it is to enforce the law.

Not when you cherry pick details and when the defense asks for exculpatory evidence, you withhold it because it’s classified. Classified information will only be allowed for the prosecutor, not the defendants, and they know that.

I think it would be more efficient and less complex to have a serial layout with a highly tuned “generator” ICE and electric drive.

I’m sure Pelosi will convince the House to appoint a very well qualified person to the position- one who is very good a writing stern letters, waiting for things to fully play out, and polling what their next move should be.

True- but Trump said ‘champion’ climbers couldn’t scale it. So, a decidedly not champion should fail miserably, right? 

I think the bill has good intentions, but anytime the GOP is in charge, enforcement via a federal agency will fall off a cliff or penalties will be reduced to less than the cost of doing business (See: The EPA, FTC, FCC, CPFB, etc. under Reagan, Bush II, and Trump)

I’m guessing those in power in the US (and other countries) view this result as a feature, not a bug (pun partially intended). 

Battery life question: Wouldn’t an 800v charger significantly reduce battery longevity.  Everything I’ve read about batteries is that they like it low and slow in terms of longevity.

Why don’t we apply that same critical eye to say, the Bible?

Yep- sort of like a government job. You might not get paid a ton, but it’s predictable and secure, and you really can take vacations.   For some (many), that’s a great life.

Not sure I understand.

If Prince is part of the ASCAP special event license, they can play his songs. My guess is that he’s not, but it doesn’t matter.

Yes, the current GOP’s platform is “troll the libs.

In short, Global warming (dry weather, winds) is making the impact of corporate greed worse. Seems like a solution is to require power companies to maintain infrastructure. If they don’t, profits and salary of executives are used to pay for it.

Yes, but when you repeat the same lines over and over, it becomes ingrained in the public’s consciousness. The Mueller report exonerated Trump, Trump spends more time working than Obama, you can’t release your taxes when under audit, etc.  

There were a number of similar events throughout the country in the late 1910s and early 1920s- Knoxville, Chicago, Omaha, counties in Texas, Arkansas, etc. The KKK was also near its peak of power during that time. While there were white casualties and property damage, African American casualties and property damage

Republican does not always mean conservative. Meaning, they don’t care about small government, deficits, etc. when they are in power. Executive authority is expansive, when a Republican does it and limited when a Democrat does it. So, they decide cases as much on what benefits their political party as they do

You mean the Supreme court where 5 of the members are Republicans- not conservative- Republicans.