
Pride and narcissism though in many ways share similar edges, are frankly very different. We have an issue here where being petty can be detrimental to decision-making. There is clear behavior of erratic and irrational (impaired) behaviors that are highly suggestive of extreme narcissism. The problem with confronting

Absolutely. It’s indicative of someone who has a extremely maladaptive personality disorder.

Adding more to the ridiculousness of it is that “being wrong about the weather” is the most forgivable mistake in the world (for non-meteorologists). There’s something wrong with him that not only can he not handle being wrong, but that he has to make it “a thing” that his statement is correct.

The great thing about this whole situation is that it will be CRYSTAL clear who will be fired when a new administration will come in.

This is really simple. NOAA released advisories on Dorian the morning of Sept 1st both before and after Trump’s tweet. Neither mention Alabama AT ALL. They don’t mention Alabama because at that point and all points after, Alabama was never in danger from the hurricane. Trump was wrong. He made a mistake and instead of

Poor widdle Joffry Trump can't deal with shit storm from actual weather folks.

Tinfoil hat time. What if this is some plot to gut the NOAA and NWS of scientists who support doing something about climate change? Double tinfoil hat, what if doing that is part of a plot to stop NWS from providing weather data for free, something that Accuweather would very much like, and whose ex-CEO (and brother

Me, at work, as an analyst: “Actually I read that wrong, forget that last part”

What is it with Republicans and random capitalization? It is so odd. Are they just trying to kiss up to Trump by adopting his idiotic capitalization? Do they think it adds emphasis to words? I guess we will never know. 


It would be Orwellian if the president had a plan, a goal, or any kind of desired outcome, without a doubt. But the president is simply a small, pathetic, needy creature who needs the woobie of affirmation from others. Constantly. Incessantly. He must be so exhausting to be around for any length of time.

Please let this be true. This family needs to drown in the diarrheal quicksand of their own making.  

Bingo. As the youngest of 10 birthed by the Queen of Narcissism herself, I’m almost embarrassed that I didn’t really understand that until I was in my 30s. I never understood why my mom’s greatest form of entertainment was using her kids to stir the pot.  *45 is one sick, twisted ghoul (not that I feel bad for any of

They both think they’re going to be President and it is hilarious.

This was my first thought, that’s pretty much his management style so why wouldn’t he apply it to his children?

If the three of them weren’t such awful people I’d feel sorry for them.

One thing that must be understood about narcissistic parents is that they frequently pit their kids against each other. The special bond between (normal, healthy) siblings is seen as a threat to the parent.

So, basically, non-Tesla carmakers have standards?

Uh does anyone have the heart to tell Haley that her generation is just as bad, if not worse, than the ones that came before her? I mean that is some next level delusion if little Ms. Haley really thinks that her generation hasn’t become as close minded and insular thinking as every other one before it. Look no

I have always hated that when pieces of shit like mugabe die, they are praised and everyone seems to forget the truth. Enjoy hell asshole 

The only response I need ♥️