
John Oliver had a really wonderful segment on his shambling, unkempt persona. Apparently it’s camouflage for his relentless self-aggrandizement and passionate and singular devotion to burning everything down. Scary stuff, and utterly predictive, given his activities over the last 10 days.

He does - from what I understand, it’s an absolutely deliberate attempt to make himself look somewhat unkempt in order to project the sort of “everyman” appearance he wants to present.

These powerful men who have all the resources in the world to look clean and kempt and sharp are so trapped in their own narcissism they can’t even begin to see themselves through outside eyes. Like, wtf did Stephen Miller think spray painting his head was going to turn out like? 

Funny how, after decades of violence towards black people in SAf, white Sef Effrikkns are all anti violence now that shit has changed a bit. But, not surprising.

Not all conservatives are racist, but all hardcore racists are conservative/libertarian. 

It’s a good career move for him. “Liberal” Hollywood has already banned him, so he can run the conservative grift for a few years. He gets to go on Fox News and be in Christian films given his known contempt for gays. He seems like a hateful, intolerant person so he is honestly where he belongs.

He’s like a (possibly) British, happy Ron Swanson.

I’m can’t wait to see all the rednecks who will scream “I’m never spending any of my money at Wal-Mart again! MAGA”only to have to reverse course less than 24 hours later when they realize they buy all of their daily necessities there and they will starve to death if they boycott it.


They were told they’d get a reasonable trade deal from the people advocating for leave.

And wasn’t part of the divorce settlement with Marla that as long as Tiffany was still in school she’d get alimony? If so I expect that she doesn’t want to ruin the gravy train for the both of them. 

Well, supporters are so rabidly anti-immigration that they are willing to burn their whole economy down to keep out the dark-skinned. Your definition of “racist” may vary, of course.

Please, do not call republican Nazis actual Nazis for doing the exact same things that Nazis did.

That’s because the cities are overrun with DEMOCRAT PARTIES. DEMOCRATS love to destroy our cities with their non-GMO soy minorities and their “voting drives.”

This is an awfully privileged reply.

Trump admin: Working as intended.

You mean Crash?


I thought this behavior would have stopped after Green Book won Best Picture.