
In Trump’s defense (barf), the U6 rate is supposed to measure under-employment, discouraged workers, etc. It’s not the most accurate thing, but it is an indicator. U6 unemployment has dropped under Trump, but it was on a downward trend for a while and it didn’t massively accelerate under Trump. So, he likely did very

A few problems:

I agree that the impact of any domestic terrorism laws or structures you put in place under Republicans will turned on its head and they’ll and go after Antifa, BLM, Acorn (even though it’s long dead) and any other group conservatives don’t like.

Or (to borrow from MLK) those 2X% who just want “order.

The general polls still have him at the top. He’s living nostalgia for the Clinton and Obama years, even though his policies were some of the major weaknesses in those years.  

Maybe he’ll get a pension for killing him. This cop killed an unarmed kid and then claimed PTSD for killing him and got a medical pension.

I’m sure some 3%/Promise Keeper police force in upstate will be happy to hire him, just to troll the libs.

While this is probably an easy pickup for the House, unless we get the Senate back, Moscow Mitch can approve judges and block gerrymandering, election security, etc. 

To echo Samantha Bee- many of these people would make great senators or governors (I know, some already are), where we need Dems the most.

Despite his mediocre performance, the media has described him as “holding his own.

The Republican Party Platform...

I think the fact that employees are often locked into a healthcare plan (instead of the quality of the job), employers use it as a part of total compensation, etc. is exactly why major companies remain on the sidelines during this debate.

Sadly- Trump’s campaign is probably correct. The requirements to be president are fairly narrow and submitting taxes isn’t one of the pre-requisites. It’s likely the same thing that saved Obama from all sorts of Birth Certificate bills (in addition to being a natural born citizen in Hawaii). 

They don’t need hospitals- I’m sure their Bibles, hatred of brown people, and guns will cure their Type 2 Diabetes and crumbling L3 and L4. 

1. For every rags to riches story there are far more Upper middle class+ to riches stories, and all the public and private help they get as a result.

I think the problem is that the truly wealthy can move or hide their assets around to minimize their exposure. So, you end up impacting the somewhat wealthy, not the truly wealthy (the ones that control our economy). You’d need to a way to pierce the secrecy of trusts, off-shore tax havens, etc. to truly get at those

So one of best chances in a long time to take back states (I know state v. federal, but waterfall effect), solidify our grip on the House, and take back the presidency, and this is the time we’ve decided eat our own and make unforced errors.

My mistake, but argument still holds. At best, he can work for Federal Money for his district.  Trump is going to give him all the money he needs to clean it up, right?

He’s a senator at the FEDERAL level. Which means he has little control over the workings of the City and state government. With this logic, why can’t the president fix it?

1. Well if he just worked harder, they’d see his value and they’d pay him more
2. If he doesn’t like it, he can work somewhere else.
3. Has he really “earned” that additional salary. Seems like he’s overpaid to me.
4. He’s just looking for a handout.