In a sad yet whimsical form of protest against police shootings of black people, a black woman on Facebook streamed…
In a sad yet whimsical form of protest against police shootings of black people, a black woman on Facebook streamed…
Earlier this month when Lady Gaga released “Perfect Illusion,” a scream-pop explosion that edges on rock, my…
Scarlett Johansson does a number of things—holds a gun, touches a face, walks, interrupts a group gathering—in these…
True to its sense of outlandishness, Season 3 of Empire opened with a major character death within the first minute.…
For reasons largely unknown but guessable, Tinashe has yet to release her second album Joyride, the follow-up to her…
For future reference.
Today the staff of Jezebel.com confronted our linguistic and dialectical differences. It got ugly.
I moved to New York two days before starting work at Gawker in the fall of 2014. When I walked up the stairs to the…
Nikole Hannah-Jones, a writer who is defining the landscape of education journalism, has written a landmark story at…
“Weak End at Bernie’s” is a pretty good headline, but it’s got nothing on “Spice Gull,” the phrase used by the Guardi…
The last time my mother and I had an actual conversation was on Mother’s Day 2014, when she told me that I shouldn’t…
If you are reading this, I am high. Very, very high. I’m on two Xanax, one Norco, and a handful of ibuprofen I took…
Folks, I think I'm going to have to make a definitive call on this video and say that it is the cutest baby animal…
Prosecutors are side-eyeing the shit out of Lindsay Lohan's community service hours, which reportedly includes…