
How about wet dog scent?

Speak for yourself.

Don't cut yourself on all that edge.

To be fair to fallout 4, It does capture some of the moral ambiguity of older fallout games. It also definitely handle the atmosphere well, though not nearly as well as New Vegas. What fallout 4 does do amazingly is sell well, and prove the franchise IS mainstream. That might seem like a bad thing to hardcore fallout

Not that I’ve seen but the dialogue mod is so far my most useful one. Makes the game much better....because Bethesda should have never changed how the dialogue system worked before. I blame people who complain about dialogue lines spoiling whats going to happen next. There’s no other reason to be vague about what a

I like the interface.

One of the things FO2 still does better than another other FO to come out so far. The writing was seriously some grade a premium shit. The asshole perk changed almost all the dialogue you said and if you had 0 - 1 intelligence, you could only reply in grunts and unintelligible noises. Just thinking about it makes me

Honestly, the shear amount of dialog in Fallout 2 meant that you would, somewhat regularly, say shit you did not mean to say. And unlike Fallout 4 where the outcome of the wrong choice is usually the dialog simply sounding a little different, Fallout 2 liked to start fights. A lot.

There was an entire perk dedicated to

The fact that it's not an army of Gary is a failure on the creators.

“YouTubers do need to make their money”

That said, YouTubers do need to make their money.

“That said, YouTubers do need to make their money”

God forbid they have to get jobs....

“This is exactly the mobile game from Nintendo we wanted!” -Said no one ever

No google or other digital-erudition, so I could be mistaken, but that is one of those famous privateers who in the end got a raw deal from the very folks he worked for. Can't recall the name, sorry.

This is suppose to look like Captain Kidd who, was hanged for piracy, and his body then exhibited on a gibbet as shown in the woodcut. I had not previously heard of "the Iron Coffin", but I suspect it would more closely resemble Madmartigan's punishment in the movie Willow. (but this is only a guess)