
That's a nice model you have there..

Copy cat

Dat Boston accent.

Everything in Japan is an Old-Spice commercial. Conversely, Old-Spice commercials are the only Japanese thing about America.

Now playing

Meh. I've seen weirder. But the one that sticks to me the most has to be the Boss Noodles one.

It's the little things in life. (^_^)

Britain is a group of countries. If you think this is drunk, come to Scotland. a 'country' inside Britain.

Here in Indy I find that Disc Replay pays the most for trade-ins and charges the least for used games ( brand new titles going for 44.99). Still if I were to sell my games I'd go the Craigslist/eBay route and cut out the middle man.

It doesn't have to be accurate. If these are the people selling your consoles at store fronts, there's an image issue, and Nintendo needs to address it.

I think this was printed before there was such a thing as Google.

I've despised this idiot for years, so pardon me if I celebrate.

These kids know what's cool.

"Those who arrive, survive....IN MY BELLY"

Okay, couple of things. First - hey! That was Bub from the original Day of the Dead in the tunnel!

I came here expecting character sheets (rpg style) for erotic anime. So disappointed.

They did make a special normal 3DS for Ocarina of Time. It's by far the most beautiful of all the special edition 3DSes.

You want some McDonald's?