Whether or not you caught our 12-hour video game marathon on Tuesday, join us to talk about some great classic games…
Whether or not you caught our 12-hour video game marathon on Tuesday, join us to talk about some great classic games…
Hey PAX-goers: don’t miss Kotaku Splitscreen Live, tonight at 8pm in the Sasquatch Theater (Sheraton Hotel, second floor). We’ll be taking questions, giving away signed copies of my book, and generally having a good ol’ time. If you’re not at PAX, look for the episode on iTunes next week!
So much about Kingdom Battle is surprising, but the thing that I still can’t get over is that in this game, Mario…
As of this morning, no one has attempted to break the glass and make off with the SNES Classic at Nintendo’s PAX booth. We will keep you updated as the situation develops.
The folks behind EasyAntiCheat, a service that stops people from cheating in video games, deal with one of the…
MDMA, better known as the illegal drug Ecstasy, has shown promise for treating people with post-traumatic stress…
On September 1, the PAX West convention will blossom like a great big fandom flower in the heart of downtown…
Pokémon Go’s roster of legendary beasts gets a little bigger today, Niantic announced. Except this time, you might…
Yesterday, my colleague Jason Schreier and I spent 12 hours sitting on my couch and streaming video games. We ate…
Kingdom Battle is a love letter to Mario and the Mushroom Kingdom, and you see this reverence in nearly every aspect…
The PC version of the Destiny 2 beta landed this week, and it’s remarkably slick and pretty. For a certain subset of…
Mario’s power as an icon is defined by his versatility. The plumber doesn’t just jump: he fights, he drives, he…
Season seven of Game of Thrones has drawn to a close. Before we brave the long winter between seasons, it’s time for…
Today, Bethesda showed the world what we can expect from the totally-not-paid-mods-that-you-can-still-spend-money-on…
Being vulnerable and honest on the internet is difficult enough for most of us, but for kids, living a life online…
Hopefully it’s not surprising to hear that the next big Dragon Ball Z fighting game will have Piccolo, Krillin, and…
Splatoon 2's upcoming DLC continues to prove the squid kid franchise has, bar none, the best weapons in the genre.…
Some people are out there chasing today’s eclipse outside, sometimes in a different state or country. Plenty of…
Attorney General Jeff Sessions insisted Thursday that he did not lie about his interactions with a Russian…