The night before I enter Iran, a sliver of a moon hangs suspended opposite the cloud-shrouded peak of Mount Ararat,…
Two weeks ago, a heroic doctor delivered a baby while 30,000 feet in the air, on a flight from Taiwan to Los…
We were deep in the woods of Humboldt County at Katie Azevedo’s family ranch, gathered around the table for…
Some 13 million Americans purport to be part of the Mile High Club. Sound like a lot of people? Not when you…
“I could tell you 100 stories and it wouldn’t cover what the people I’ve met have to say,” Sindy writes to me,…
Man, what am I even supposed to say? Goodbyes can sniff my dong.
This golden retriever, much like your cousin Chad, cannot even fucking cope with his excitement about football…
Scarlett Johansson's baby finally came out of her! And it's a girl and her name is Rose Dorothy and she's probably…
Rejection is the pits. We know this. Professional rejection, academic rejection, organ rejection, and, most…
Apparently there's been some grumbling lately from people who identify as "Chris Pratt early adopters," unimpressed…
Oh, thank goodness. One-man international diplomacy brain trust Phil Robertson—best known, thus far in his career,…