A Black

They lost. It really doesn't matter how 'graceful' or 'respectful' they were. It wasn't their award and the only thing to do was to give it to the rightful winners.

No one gets a pass. White people shouldn't say the N word and there are thousands of pieces explaining in depth why just use the internet. The problem for me though was the way they shot the episode to make it this "thing" every time a black guy came into the scene as if Fiona's best friend isn't a black woman. I've

Didn't much care for how Julian kept ordering Beau around. He's supposed to be a member of the family but seems more like another servant/body guard. The fact that he's a mute and the longest lasting character of color sans Bonnie doesn't help either.

There is nothing vaguely racist about it. It's pretty damn racist.

All these white tears in the comment section. Here's a tip, you want to stop feeling 'oppressed' go outside where your whiteness protects you. The internet is not for those who don't like the truth.

Yes she was, she told Bill about it and he killed him.

The only people allowed to not see race or say race doesn't matter are white people as their race doesn't play a role in how they are treated and viewed on a daily basis.

White people can't be victims of hate crimes based on race. White women on sex, and gay whites but not on race. They aren't a historically oppressed group. Also I thought Guilty Remnant weren't a religion or belief system. They are just a group of (white) people who have decided to stop feeling anything and are public