Arok Lazarus

I wish I could believe they're making one, but they've stopped making Star Fox and F-Zero. Wouldn't be a stretch to think they're done with it.

I wish, but I feel there was no point without immediately leading into an announcement of Metroid. Nintendo has been pretty oblivious to people's wishes so I wouldn't be surprised if he wore just thinking he was being sentimental.

I'm moderately pissed that he had a Metroid pin and talked about it, but announced nothing.

I get the impression that the girl explaining it is like a friend or cousin who already owns one. But yeah, kinda vague.

I feel the original Wii was advertised for pretty well. They showed how easy it was for a whole family to game together. And that worked. Problem is they're trying to sell another console to those same people, but only ever showing the controller, so people think its just an accessory. Also, its hard to convince the

Awesome! Thanks for the direct link!

I can't believe I missed that! Also, thank you for always doing your best to reply to us!

Shane, any chance there would be a 2DS for $100 on Cyber Monday? Trying to get one for my girlfriend's sister but don't wanna have to spend $130 unless I have to.

Oooh, that's one of my favorite dungeons! The music is so catchy. That area was home to a difficulty spike but once you get over it its smooth sailing through there.

That was the best part of it for me. The whole battling system had such a neat flow. Yeah you could use Rush and get thru a bit faster, but at the cost of more health lost. I had a blast figuring out enemies weaknesses, and then thinking about what Persona to use in conjunction with my allies each turn so that I could

Ah, ok. Thanks.

I can't find Rymdkapsel or Honeyslug on the Vita.

It alternates between 11/12/13 and 12/11/13. Both mean 11th December, 2013.

This will be my first YS game ever. I preordered the special edition but it didn't get delivered to my Gamestop today, sadly. Hopefully it will be there tomorrow.

Happened to me. No idea why either. Naturally I used a different birthday when I joined in 2010 cause I wasn't 18 then and had to call them to reset my password. And of course there was a 45 minute phone wait.

For what it's worth, I loved The After Years.

For what it's worth, I loved The After Years.

Haha, well I will definitely keep that in mind.

I'm thinking of getting the collectors edition but it depends on how much it'll cost.

I'm thinking of getting the collectors edition but it depends on how much it'll cost.