That's strange. When I played God of War 1 using remote play I had no problem with it. Virtually no lag whatsoever. And that was on internet with a 1mb up, and 3mb down.
That's strange. When I played God of War 1 using remote play I had no problem with it. Virtually no lag whatsoever. And that was on internet with a 1mb up, and 3mb down.
Hey, sorry it took so long to respond. I just tested it out and unfortunately the track pad doesn't work on the web browser.
Thanks. My girlfriend was wondering and I actually wasn't sure. She likes JRPGs though so I'll let her know about Valkyria Chronicles.
Are there any other console games for this gen like Xcom?
That's a good question. I don't think it does, but when I get off work I'll check for you and let you know.
Certain games do, and only while the controller is plugged into the console.
I've been using one on my PS3, and I thought it would be obnoxious too, but the angle you hold it at actually puts the light away from you, so I couldn't even notice it.
Well actually I said that I don't think it went smoothly.
Well remember, Christmas of either 06 or 07 the servers got so overloaded from people trying to get on Xbox Live that it was basically shut down for a week. Same could easily happen here.
I wouldn't say it went smoothly on the WiiU, but it wasn't too bad. And yeah the PS4 is doing it too, but in both those cases you can still play games offline without the update. On the Xbox One, you can't. That will throttle the servers a lot.
Thanks so much for this post! I can see a lot of time went into it! I pretty much avoid Craigslist, but I'm right outside Houston, so finding a guitar shop shouldn't be too hard. Also, thanks for the offer of mailing a guitar. I definitely wouldn't want to put either of us out $80 on that though! I think I'll call…
I don't have a guitar but that does sound pretty cool. I wouldn't mind a recommendation if you could. I've always wanted to get into guitar playing but found myself with no one to give me any direction so I wasn't sure how to get better. Seems like Rocksmith could change that.
There IS a Mid range apartment! Hallejulah and thank you! Do you happen to know if the mid range ones will allow for heists later on?
Thanks for the response. I'll likely get one of those apartments you mentioned. I hate spending time in them so the view doesn't matter to me. Though I might try and find one closer to the edge of the city for safety from other players. I just wish there was a 3rd floor plan.
Damn, if I wasn't poor, your pitch would have sold me a copy of Rocksmith. Seriously.
Thanks so much for the info and video! Def gonna bookmark that later for when I get the stimulus money.
Does anyone know if there are only 2 floor plans for the apartments? Cause all I've seen so far is the really high end one, and the crappy one.
I agree with you, and wish they'd stop annualizing these games. But money wise? They're still making more making it annually. Yes, GTAV sold gangbusters and broke many records. But there's also been 4 or 5 CoDs since the last GTA game and all those CoDs combined still blow GTAV out of the water. Not to mention, based…
Question: How could they possibly calculate how many shots have been fired in Duckhunt?
For the few games that do support it on the ps3, it works great. I played God of War 1 that way and had no problems with it. And my Internet is only less that 1 up and 3 down.