Woman creates slander machine to automatically generate lawsuits. Wait is it slander or Libel if it’s on the internet?
Woman creates slander machine to automatically generate lawsuits. Wait is it slander or Libel if it’s on the internet?
“The internet has enough paranoia and distrust of the government as it is.”
You said ‘men’, you didn’t qualify that in any way. I’m a man. I didn’t do these things. A point I made several times but you seem to keep missing. You keep generalising about an entire gender. This is what we call sexism. Sexism is bad. Again, a point I keep making. But since you think everything is about you, you…
How do you know they were terorists? Because the DOD says they were? They wouldn’t ever lie to you would they? NO!
No, this is why there is terrorism.
Unless it was a bunch of schoolkids. Or a village gathering. It usually is.
But they are mostly NOT terrorists. Drone strikes MOSTLY kill innocents. Thats from the USGOV’s own fucking data.
Or it was a school and this was a graduation ceremony.
Its funny that there are people out there who think that defense entails attacking simple agrarian cultures tens of thousands of miles away. In wonder if these people could define how the word defend means something different from the word attack.
Sorry, I automatically assume this a bunch of bullshit. High ranking American commanders, News reporters and politicians have been proven time and again to be such a pack of fucking LIARS when it comes to this stuff that I find it very doubtful this went down as claimed. Especially as details are “spotty’ and it comes…
except when it means rural village, or school.
They say it was a ‘militant camp’.
Lemme guess, the accused is a man, therefore he is guilty. How dare they stand behind him? Burn the witch!
“Overall, men are somewhat more likely than women to experience at least one of the elements of online harassment, 44% vs. 37%. In terms of specific experiences, men are more likely than women to encounter name-calling, embarrassment, and physical threats.”
Ive gotten mainly death threats but then, I’m a man.
Online harassment of people has always been the established norm. Don’t you ladies want to be treated the same as men?
Yes, I had no part in these atrocities - even though, gasp! I am a man. Because again, since you seem to be hard of thinking, making crude generalisations about people is a trait feminists have been decrying from day one, and here you are doing it. Also I am not hundreds of years old, generally people only live to be…
At your fingertips, there is a world of information available. Use that to find out why you hate men so much, and are so willing to reinforce for yourself the very stereotypes that so many feminists are trying to break down.
So you believe “men dont treat people as individuals”. Isn’t that a bit of a crude heteronormative generalisation?
“were emotionally out of control”.