
You mean Duchovny who, like it or not, was a movie actor and headed a successful TV series before returning to the X-Files and Anderson, while she’s amazing, did not?

Here’s a better question for you: are the male actors in the new ghostbusters film all paid equally with the ladies?

If I’m a young male comic and I

Wow he’s the asshole in this scenario.. I think you are projecting just a tad...

Yeah, fuck the guy whose wife murdered his children just to spite him. He’s probably an asshole and not deserving at all of any sympathy.

Meh. Saying something ugly and regrettable in the heat of the moment kind of pales in comparison to murdering your children.

You wrote an entire article calling out people who didn’t deserve to be insulted by you, you should have written an entire article to apologize instead of throwing one line into the next article that proved you wrong.