“The future is female”? Isn’t that sexist? Shouldn’t it be “The future is equal”?
“The future is female”? Isn’t that sexist? Shouldn’t it be “The future is equal”?
Yes she’s a woman, that doesnt mean she can’t be mocked a tiny bit, she’s also a politician and a public figure. Calling her robotic is accurate and pretty gentle.
God shut the fuck up
Kristen Stewart is a bitch for cheating on Robert and that sketch was implying that men are all worthless jerks and women should just have sex with each other instead
Angelina Jolie’s a bitch
They could only find 8 actresses capable of playing these roles convincingly
Or they could only find 8 actresses capable of playing these roles convincingly?
Yeah maybe you shouldn’t be so sexist and simplistic
Fuck your sexism
Eventually becoming more important in the show and deserving a higher salary is one thing but she’s demanding back pay for all the early episodes when he was rightly paid more than her. It’s bullshit
I’m shocked she didnt make it all about women
Blame it entirely on the man huh?
But only men right?
Fuck your sexism.
And cue all the commentators saying that the mother was an innocent victim of the boyfriend who abused her and forced her to do it.
Charles Manson has some legit good songs
Poor fella, I’ll shed a tear for him when he goes
I feel so sorry for her
She fuckin attacked him you idiot