
If I can’t decide, I just shuffle everything and wait until something comes along that I feel like listening to more of.

My hobbies include playing video games and playing video games. I have never gardened, painted, yoga’d, or “treated myself to a night out” that cost more than $20.

PeerBlock is so useless you might as well not be using any kind of protection, at all. If you want a free solution, your best bet is getting into a private site with encrypted traffic.

comes out to around $27/hour, which isn’t too bad

This website obviously gives some legitimate information, but the “THREE WAYS TO DUMP YOUR STUDENT DEBT” thing wreaks of scammy.

I hope Hangouts gets this, soon, since Google wanted me to switch, soooo badly.

Using fleece bedding with guinea pigs is overall cleaner, saves a ton of money, and the pigs prefer it, in my experience.

So what, because a few people are offended about something that’s obviously meant to be humorous, we have to waste game devs’ time to rewrite the joke?

Fuck you, faggot.

Because they designed the game to be difficult and to require the player to learn to play at the level the game was designed for. If the game is made well, it teaches the player what they need to know, starting out, so that the player can then fail until honing their skills until succeeding. Difficulty levels are

"I don't think this game looks very fun due to it being hard, therefore, it's bad."

That doesn't surprise me.

You've obviously never played Civ.

Now playing

Skip to 31:50 for an even more impressive implementation done with a TAS (and will only be done with a TAS).

It doesn't matter how they're sharing it; it's still illegal.

Nintendo successfully took ownership of and in some cases took down content online that infringed on their copyrights, even when the infringement wasn't gaining anything monetary-wise. Infringement is infringement, no matter how stupid the law might be.

No, that's what retards on YouTube who upload music or movies think. If you're using an IP without the copyright owner's permission, then you are infringing on their rights as owners of that IP. Whether or not to enforce that copyright is up to the owner.

Selling it or not, if they're using the "Freddy's" IP without permission, it's copyright infringement and illegal.

Selling it or not, if they're using the "Freddy's" IP without permission, it's copyright infringement and illegal.

This is when I don't mind pixel art: when the artist actually has his/her own style that greatly expresses itself beyond the laziness of "make everything out of tiny squares."