It goes away if you hit a loading screen, so it really isn't that bad.
It goes away if you hit a loading screen, so it really isn't that bad.
When are you guys going to stop using a shitty image format from Web 1.0 and start using webm, a video format that does the same thing a gif does, but in higher quality, smaller filesize, and while using less system resources?
Good. The last thing anyone needs is for someone to get in an accident because of such a stupid modification. I'm all for ricing, but keep your modded car off the road, if you've compromised the car's safety.
If you dislike The Last of Us and/or think it's woefully overrated: You can safely skip this version. I doubt playing it again in 1080p will change your mind.
TLOU: Remastered comes with an option to turn on a 30fps lock, which lowers the game to 30fps and holds it there. That makes the in-game stuff less responsive but makes the cutscenes look "right," more like movies (which run at 24fps) than digital stage-acting. I asked Naughty Dog if they might consider patching in a…
Some—not all—of the shadows in the game do appear sharper at 30fps. Now, here's the thing: I'm not one to say that "minor" resolution/graphical differences don't matter. I've argued that in some cases, they definitely do. But my verdict on the shadow thing: It doesn't matter to me even a little bit, nor does it affect…
One day... one day, I hope I'll have an amazingly well-paying job that will allow me to buy the computer of my dreams. Sure, it'll be outdated, within a year, but that 8-12 months of owning the most powerful consumer-grade setup will have all been worth it.
My PC never gets sick, because I actually take care of it. This comic must have been written by a retard pleb.
It's really not my place to say so, but I feel like this obsession with shiny Pokemon is... kinda messed up.
Sigh... OSX has all these cool add-ons, but every time I Hackintosh, I end up back on Windows within a month. Damn my PC gaming needs!
"I'm such an entertaining person. Look at me taking other people's videos and putting them into a collab video."
Or they're exploiting the idiots that buy their shit.
I didn't read the article. I am dumb.
I've been doing a Blackwidow for a while, now, and I can't imagine going to any other Razer keyboard, just because of the mechanical keys. Anything with keys needs to have mechanical keys.
I was spanked. I think it's idiotic. All it did was teach me to be afraid of my parents, which is not the point of discipline. If my parents wanted me to respect them, then depriving me of happiness would have been the way to go, not physical abuse.
Your workplace gives you mechanical keyboards? That's the most amazing thing ever.
What about Foobar2000? Or has that stopped working?
If you ever use one on a regular basis, your fingers will never want to type on a membrane keyboard, ever again.
When did I mention anything involving shareware? I'm talking about freeware and paid software comparisons between platforms.
Stuff like this makes me want to be an app developer, just so I can blatantly rip off their apps, add better functionality, and then undercut the price by 90%.