You're still supporting my point. $5 is not free. Or even $1.
You're still supporting my point. $5 is not free. Or even $1.
I find it a weird phenomenon that many of these apps would either be free or much cheaper on the Windows side of things. It seems to me that Mac developers almost always like to charge money for their products, when iOS, Android, and Windows devs do so much less often.
In any case, I don't have a family, and it still wouldn't have let me rent games, so I don't care.
I'm going to ask where you're getting that from, other than in your conspiracy theories.
People eat fava beans?
Okay, I'll give you that I was in the middle of angrily yelling at almost every 'tard on this page, but I still have a statement against you.
You're jumping to a totally ridiculous end, here.
Can anyone tell me if this works in St. Louis?
That's the single most insane thing on this page and I sincerely hope you're just trolling.
I'm sorry, what? If you're having issues with your Windows laptop every weekend, I think that's your fault for either buying a shitty laptop or being the most idiotic person on the Internet and constantly downloading shitware.
iBuyPower is a pretty competitive laptop company that has computers leaps and bounds above rMBP for half the price.
Isn't Windows for folks who want to be able to run applications that actually work (vs Linux's GNU-filled excuses for software) on hardware that isn't overpriced (vs Mac Pro)?
This is a totally different situation. That quote is referring to a situation in which people are being purged based on their political views, religious views, and their race. Also, that's from the German side of things, meaning they were getting killed.
I don't see why I should. They're not my neighbor, or a rival corporation. They're the government. Everyone just takes it as a given that if the FBI, IRS, or what have you decides that they're going to get info on you, they will, so I really don't know what people are up in arms about.
This. Until I find out they're doing something that actually affects people like me, I don't see any reason to care about this. I really don't know why I should care that they're tracking my horribly uninteresting life.
What exactly does this picture have to do with hactivism?
So my excessively self-contradictory, middle-of-the-road political views and Atheism are going to be retaliated against? How?
I still don't know why I should care. So they know when I call and who I call, what difference does it make? Are they going to put me in prison for not answering that phone call from a weird number, last week? Are they going to send me a letter telling me to stop talking to my grandmother on a semi-daily basis? Are…
Whatever floats your pretty messed up boat, dude.
But if I don't have any decor to put up, then what am I supposed to do? I don't like having a cluttered workspace full of photos that I don't even have or stupid novelties that I also don't have.