
If you don't have a vagina, you aren't a woman.

If you don't have a vagina, you aren't a woman.

The video/audio editing bit is total bullshit.

I can't say this is accurate. I used my FitBit for about a month. Just kind of stopped using it, eventually.

So Microsoft Office, iTunes, Flash, Maya, and Photoshop are all jokes?

You went so far off the deep end, at the end, there, that I'm sure you're trolling, at this point.


If you or any other woman left me because of my lack of a traditional wallet, I'd be fine with that, because you're obviously an idiotic cunt whose priorities are far too incompatible with my own to lead to any sort of meaningful relationship.

You're referring to a "cinemagram." Fotodanz can make them.

There is no way this is the case. If it was, then all the arguments for keeping discs around would be destroyed, and Microsoft has far too much of a market in physical media and people who have no Internet to give them up.

I have nothing to hide, and nothing but fun and amazement to gain.

I don't see anything here that couldn't be just as easy with a mouse.

Well, I have done that. That's the problem: I was horribly uncomfortable. I'm currently trying out Nike+ Kinect Fitness, and I'm hoping the gamified nature is enough to keep me interested.

I get that, yeah. I'm not trying to defend myself, at all.

I know, right? My buddy played CoD on 360 since 4, and I convinced him to play Black Ops II on PC. He constantly complains that aiming is broken, and I'm like "no, it's because console gaming is for people who can't aim." He rented Black Ops II on 360 and was totally blown away by how pathetically easy it is, by

I've never felt comfortable with exercising in front of people. Even though it makes no sense, my horrid low self-esteem makes me think people are making fun of me (for bettering myself?).

I was thinking about it, and I think it has to do with most people who post about exercising already do it on a regular basis, and so it does feel good. I'm assuming that there is a threshold at which you stop feeling agonizing pain and illness, instead feeling whatever it is that you're supposed to feel. For obese

I also already owned it, and looking at the Early Access page, I own this new one, as well, so everyone still has the game they paid for.

While I will say that Dance Central is fun in short sessions, at times, it always comes down to monotony. Especially if I'm doing it for the sake of exercising.

Oh, wow, Blutrol finally updated a year after I sold my iPad. Eh, no regrets.