I wish I could enjoy exercise. Ever.
I wish I could enjoy exercise. Ever.
What you aren't considering is that I can get a laptop with an i7, 16GB of RAM, a larger hard drive with an SSD, and a much better dedicated graphics processor for the same or less money.
Cortana sacrifices herself after a QTE that kills the disappointing final boss. 6 hours of mediocre swan song.
For the dollar, yes. I shouldn't have to pay that much for hardware I can get in a different shell for far cheaper.
Exactly. For $1200, I can get something with hardware better capable of video editing and gaming, two things I'm very much involved in.
I'd love to get a MacBook, if they only had better hardware for the dollar. The updates on OSX actually do things. Sigh.
So what you're saying is, to balance video games with life, stop enjoying video games and treat it as an addiction.
If you see this as a racist gag, you're a fucking idiot.
All I'm saying is that if they hack me while I'm alone at 1 or 2 AM, they may need new eyes.
I don't really mind if someone uses my webcam to spy on me. Please, go ahead and look at me. You're the one that's going to suffer.
It's almost funny how inaccurate RapLeaf's info on me is. The only interest they have for me is "books," and I hate books. They think I have a luxury car (because a 13-year-old Ford Taurus is so luxurious), and that I have not only a credit card, but a premium credit card (I have neither).
I've got four monitors, and I still don't really see much use when I can just have Process Explorer maximized on one of them. I guess it's for aesthetics' sake.
I really don't understand why this is useful for anyone. Am I the only one that consistently has something maximized on my screen, my desktop being hardly anything more than a junk drawer?
Teamviewer already does this, but without having two cursors. If one person moves the mouse, it moves, and either person can do so, at any time.
My buddy played for several hours, yesterday, with no problems.
I was curious. I regret it constantly.
I'd consider getting this if it was on something that didn't suck for platformers. Gimme buttons.
Here's an idea: don't spend a bunch of money on a stupid ceremony. Go to a judge, or have one of your friends become an ordained minister online for cheap. My fiance and I are planning on renting out a cheap place around here and having my friend marry us for however much the license costs. A marriage costs as much as…
I agree. Weddings are fucking cheap, unless you're stupid.
That doesn't just clear the badges; that removes them permanently. This is for just clearing the notifications.