
How would it not work? All wireless standards are backwards compatible back to a. Further, since this is just operating off a connection to a local network server, in my situation, it would go from my WiiU to my (only b/g-capable) router (via wireless) to my computer (via ethernet). You don't know what you're talking


Aesthetics are useless.

Why wouldn't you?

While it's definitely a game, it's a boring, uninteresting game.

Hopefully, I'll never get anything from this.

None of them have giant boobs. This is a disappointment.

So we've got: software that is available for free, already (as far as file copy dialogs); software with a billion free alternatives; something that is a feature of Windows, already; something pointless for anyone who knows how to Disk Cleanup and/or CCleaner; something with billions of free alternatives; Picasa; and

Soooo, how does one deposit cash?

So I guess I'm the only one that really wasn't budged by this game, at all, and saw it as every other Studio Ghibli creation I've ever seen: pretty, but mediocre.

So if McDonald's or Burger King is unusually friendly, I should give them a tip, too? What about gas station employees? Wal-Mart cashiers?

So what you're saying is that "cunt" equals "nigger," but for women, rather than black people.

I jailbroke my iPad so that I could do everything with it that I can use my Android phone for, by default. And then I sold it.

How are people still using the HTC EVO 4G? That was my old phone, and by the time I was done with it, the lack of resources and overall sluggishness was killing me!

How? Because in my experience, it doesn't do anything better than Windows. At all.

I like having Chrome to handle Facebook and Twitter, thanks to TweetDeck. I used the Twitter integration in OSX, but it really wasn't that useful, by comparison. iMessages and Facetime are more or less Google Voice and Skype/Google Hangouts combined, except since none of my friends use Apple products, they're useless

I use my computer for working with Premiere, After Effects, and Photoshop. I used OSX the same way I use Windows, and it felt exactly the same, except I had to boot into Windows to play games.

I don't even know why people do this. I used OSX for about a month, and it's the same damned thing as Windows, but without DirectX 10/11 and with fancier animations. Woobidywabbady.

Considering my 560Ti runs Skyrim at 60FPS, I'd hope a 660Ti can handle DmC.

And I still don't give a fuck.