The last one about vacuuming an electronic device seems rather dangerous, considering how much static electricity vacuums make.
The last one about vacuuming an electronic device seems rather dangerous, considering how much static electricity vacuums make.
So basically, "I posted something on the Internet without thinking about the repercussions, and now I want everyone to stop making fun of me because I'm stupid."
I can't help but wonder what amount of that increase in consumption is due to population increase and the change in economy, rather than only making chicken far cheaper and more delicious.
This, folks, is irony.
I don't feel guilty when I play violent video games, because video games aren't real. I'm just wasting time, because doing other things to waste time doesn't entertain me as efficiently. I don't feel bad rooting for someone doing any killing in any other medium, so why should video games be any different? You're not…
What difference does it make? Don't lie about it to your romantic partner, or your doctor, but besides them, I don't see any reason to even tell anyone about your sex life. It's no business of any typical person. The idea of being ashamed of not screwing anyone is just kind of silly, just as is being proud of it. It's…
You're retarded.
Oh, man, half an hour. The OS is still annoying.
I am disappointed by the lack of Fujiko.
If they ditched the i5, they'd lose everyone who wanted the Pro version. Going to an Atom processor would cripple it to the point of uselessness for anything beyond what an iPad can do, which defeats the purpose of the Pro.
It's temporarily unavailable. Probably because literally everyone is scrambling to get it.
Well, I already know of several that prove you wrong.
The Chrome version already sat in the toolbar. Just saying.
As soon as I saw that the "best value notebook" is the Macbook Air, I knew I couldn't trust this article.
I don't really see what's wrong with SMS. I don't have to use Facebook to use it, I don't have to own an iPhone, and I don't have to let Google see all of my texts (although I actually do that last one). Not to mention that it doesn't require a data connection. I really see no reason to dump it.
It's an Android phone in a box that's made for everyone that's too retarded to get a Raspberry Pi.
Good work only acknowledging part of my comment.
My girlfriend and I have long agreed that we're aborting any child that might happen to form in there. We're both far too young and financially unstable to support having a child, and she's got enough going on, already, and shouldn't have to deal with carrying a baby to term. She's on birth control, but everyone knows…
I don't know why people need to write so many things down. I guess I'm just the one weird guy who doesn't have any need for such things.