If it's got Ivy Bridge graphics, it's more than worth the money. You get all the functionality of any other laptop in a more-compact form factor. And you don't have to use OSX!
If it's got Ivy Bridge graphics, it's more than worth the money. You get all the functionality of any other laptop in a more-compact form factor. And you don't have to use OSX!
Hmmmm... $35,000 plus $500 a movie... or free from The Pirate Bay...
This isn't really related to the topic at hand, but would you mind explaining your other reasons? I've always been teetering on the edge, and I'd like to hear some opinions.
Oh, wow, that's great. I'm so glad that I could have waited and paid $300 for a better bundle than my early adopter's bundle. I'm so glad Sony isn't totally shitting on the faces of all the early adopters.
Because if you don't like Apple, you're a Google slave.
I was gonna make that joke!
Meagerly funny joke met with dumb people.
No, because I hate children.
Maybe you're joking. Yeah, that's got to be it. I don't know why else you'd think strangers care about where you live. If someone wants to rape kids, they're not going to go to Google+ to scout out targets; they're going to go to the park.
I got an iPhone because iOS is supposed to be the pinnacle of phone OSs, not because it's pretty. I really don't care for the glass on glass look, nor do I care for the fact that it looks like a thin brick.
Considering how useless the Wi-Fi is, anyway, this is a pretty great deal, if you can still hack it.
Wow, I've had this idea, for a while. Wondered how long it'd take for someone else to figure out how to do it.
Actually, he's right. Shadowrun was an experiment in cross-platform play, and because 360 players were consistently destroyed by PC players, the idea of both sides playing together was forever lost.
While I understand that any money off of new products is great, these "deals" are insulting.
"The fact the board features FemShep, and not ManShep, is pretty great" is what he's referring to, you dense monkeys. He's pointing out that every time ManShep is in anything, everyone goes "WHY NO FEMSHEP," but when FemShep is involved, nobody says "WHY NO MANSHEP." Reverse-sexism doesn't make any sense, but you all…
When I was 11, I watched hentai and played games involving lots and lots of murder and gruesome violence. Fun times.
What everyone else said.
He said he liked when Batman kicked Doctor Octopus in the head, told him to shut up, and called him an idiot. Even if you didn't know that Batman would never call a villain an idiot while kicking him in the head, you should know that Doctor Octopus is not a Batman villain, or even a DC Comics character.
While I'll admit that Mario is still managing to be fun, Skyward Sword was one of the worst things I've ever had the displeasure to sit through.
A year in prison for gathering browsing statistics? Really? Can we save room in prison for people who actually do bad things?