I really don't understand a lot of ThinkGeek's products. Is every geek other than me also a 12 year old?
I really don't understand a lot of ThinkGeek's products. Is every geek other than me also a 12 year old?
LTE is overrated, anyway, and pretty useless, overseas. Rather than pay more money for whatever fees come with releasing an LTE phone, Google just released the phone with an awesome processor that happened to have an LTE antenna.
The problem isn't the actual reporting option; that's a nice thing. The problem is the fact that the service is shitty and broken, and too many people are having problems for the damn thing to be public, let alone having replaced the best map service in existence.
I miss it, so much. I miss when I had to nag my friends who had 360s to play Halo 2 with me. And I really miss the general aesthetic of the original Xbox. It was so alien, mechanical, electronic. If you just let it sit for a while, in silence, you'd start to hear all the little noises in the background sounds, and it…
This is what someone who didn't catch the joke looks like.
Straight Talk at Wal-Mart is $45 a month, and you can buy a SIM card from them, for use in unlocked phones. Badabing.
My worry is whether they can fit a good game that's so big inside a dual layer DVD.
Looks like I'm switching back to Android just in time. I mean, Google making an ARG? That's going to be the best thing ever.
You have no idea as to what you're talking about in regard to anything. Please go away.
No, because there were only 5 of those.
I've never cared about the Karma system. I've never noticed any effect that it has on the actual game, so I steal everything I can. I normally play these sorts of games in that way: as long as nothing bad comes of it, I'll do whatever I want. I guess it means I'm a bad person, but I think it's just because I don't…
Good. Hopefully, the next guy will make Windows 8.5 not suck.
I'd say that cassettes do sound as good as CDs. I have a tape deck in my car, and in listening to shit from the 80s while I drive around, I've found that cassettes are really pretty impressive quality. Besides, analog formats 4 lyfe, yo.
Gawker is the only site that has been using GIFs with any regularity more uncommonly than any other site, as of this year. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, Mario.
Now, this is an extreme, but this case looks better than any Apple product has ever looked: http://www.thermaltakeusa.com/Product.aspx?S=1341&ID=1897#Tab2
So you've never run an application? Because you're saying you've never used the Start Menu.
I bought the 8GB about a month before the complete removal of the product from existence. Pissed me off. Thankfully, I managed to sell it for $125.
I actually dropped out of college, and idiocy like this is one of the reasons why. Why are calculators so frowned upon? They make less mistakes than humans, and are just overall more efficient.
This makes me happy, because I'm an asshole.
I like this guy.