
To be an asshole, I'll point out that he said, "what you do is your own choice," which just means that having relations with people of the same sex is your own choice, which is true. While you can't choose your sexual preference, you do choose whether to act on the implied urges from said preference.

So you ruined a perfectly good polka record for some shitty bowl that's going to be hard as fuck to clean properly, thanks to all of those grooves. Nice.

You can always ditch the major carriers and go pre-paid, just putting your SIM card into your own phone. I've been doing it for a while, now, with Straight Talk.

Plain text file on an old flash drive/SD card?

No, but I usually watch realistic Asian porn, that's supposed to reflect real women. Getting raped.

I wish someone would make a game where music is the centerpiece of the game, but not what the game is actually build around (as paradoxical as that sounds). Brütal Legend is about as close to that as it gets.

Too bad it's just a terrible Farmville-style game that only barely mixes things up with some minigames.

How to be popular: be an attractive woman, get on a male-oriented TV show; bonus points if it's a male nerd-oriented TV show, because they will love you three times as much, because YOU RELATE TO THEM AND ARE PRETTY.

Xperia Play, anyone?

Jeez, I make one racist joke... Seriously, though, in all the Asian porn I've ever seen, the girls have, like, Bs.

Her boobs are way too big to be a normal Asian woman.

I know I do, and I haven't touched it in months. I certainly don't regret buying it every day of my life, though! Those $350 I spent on the early adopter pack definitely wasn't a huge waste of my life.

Probably somewhere around there, yes.

"Apple has virtually eliminated the vertical bezel. There's not room for a fingernail along the sides of the iPad mini, much less an entire thumb. It's jarring, but also a tiny thrill. It feels like your tablet has gotten away with something." The bezel is annoyingly small, and you can't rest your thumb on the edge,

What do you expect from an employee who probably needed the job more than wanted it? This isn't Best Buy; it's Wal-Mart. The employees here don't need to be educated, because it's not that kind of store.

Actually, yes. You're right. I think tablets are the biggest waste of money on the market, outside of the Nexus 7 or Kindle Fire. $200 is pretty much my cutoff point, though. If you're going to spend $300 on something to look at the Internet on, just get a netbook, or, better yet, get a Chromebook. That way, you can

Ashamed of being a gamer? That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. That's like saying, "guys, I'm so ashamed of myself... I... watched... a movie! I watched a movie, guys; I'm so disgusting!" That's... wow.

Man, I'd totally hate this, if I hadn't deleted my Facebook, 6 months ago.

But Facebook already does that one. Not that I don't see your point.

In any case, the court told Apple to stop being assdicks and let everyone know that they're not the gods of the tech world, and that some companies also make good products.