
I think the possibility of the Dragon being a woman is problematic in terms of what it means for all the politics and such, but I’ll wait until I see how it’s handled.

But they are so difficult to watch. I mean if I bought a 55" 4K TV and I wanted to play something on it to show off how good it is, I might put on a fight scene from one of the Matrix sequels. But if I wanted to watch a 2 hour movie then almost anything would be easier to sit through when it comes to narrative and

I agree that the sequels are over-bashed. Minute-for-minute, there is no movie in history as packed with as many philosophical, religious, and political concepts and themes as The Matrix. And they were integral to the plot in such a seamless fashion.

The thing that bothers me the most about it is the fact that Revolutions was legitimately bad. They—in part out of necessity—walked away from the juxtaposition of reality and synthesized reality that was so integral to the success of the first two movies and the story kind of turned into a hokey messiah movie. Yes, I

I’m getting so tired of bashing The Matrix sequels in every article that’s Matrix-related.

Not much if it’s two meters wide.


Everyone I know who has no idea who Peter Cushing is or that he’s dead had no idea that it was CG. Whereas quite a few people found Leia unnerving (I keep hearing the term “doll”), but I honestly think they forget she was an anime-eyed, heavily-rouged, round-faced teenager in the first film. Honestly, both looked

I... agree?

a dragon to dig channels and a giant turtle to haul mud

A disappointing DC movie?

If they want to shock, they could just let Batman sleep with Batgirl...

I’m pretty sure anything that big actively violates any number of laws of physics, biology and chemistry so.... probably.

A tad disgruntled?