
I did AMC’s Star Wars marathon for the Force Awakens, so the original six plus TFW...I stupidly thought smuggling in some beer would help (it did help me sleep through the Phantom Menace and part of Attack of the Clones, so I guess it did its job). Anyway, it was fucking terrible. By the time the movie I hadn’t seen

You gotta feel for whoever cleaned the theatre after that marathon finished up.

Would you be surprised if I told you the Brooklyn Alamo Drafthouse was already sold out?

Now imagine all of that coming at you in Imax 3D.
There might be saner reactions from people on bad acid trips.

If you stay up for the whole thing, you’re going to start hallucinating around the time you get to Civil War. That’s when you unlock the secret, improved version of these movies, where Iron Man is a singing hamburger, Thor is best friends with a tiny flying hippopotamus, and everything in Doctor Strange looks normal.

So I did the AMC marathons for both the original Avengers and for Age of Ultron. The original Avengers marathon was one of the best theatrical experiences I’ve ever had. No one was sure if Avengers was going to work, so there was palpable excitement about it, but also a bit of trepidation. There were “only” 5

I think they might just hand out free capes and rooftop access so people can jump off from all the excitement.

Why would you want to do that to yourself? I’m as excited as the next mammal for Endgame but I actually want to be completely cogent for it not half insane on lack of sleep and a diet composed entirely of partially inverted sugar syrup and reconstituted meat sticks.

I kind of figured someone would do this. Now I’m wondering, how much further can this go? Ten years from now there’s going to be another 22 (or more) Marvel movies and I sort of imagine that a theater might find it difficult to find takers to sit through literally 5 days of movies non-stop.

Switch was damn good. I have then in rotation on my phone.   Also James Ingram’s brother Phillip was in the group.  The voices they had were amazing.  

You forgot a DeBarge married Janet? That was such a big story when it happened. 

This made me break out my DeBarge! 

Natalies. The best part about that show. And the soundtrack album was fire. Wish I still had my copy.