Arnold T. Blumberg

I think you make an excellent point regarding physical proximity. It really is a shame that people feel so free to be ugly to one another in this manner, but what can we do…except perhaps set a better example.

Fair enough. There's certainly quite a bit of "book learning" involved too, and more than 50% of everything I teach also winds up being an intensive course in writing expressively. Clear and well-developed communication skills are required in *every* walk of life and career. So I do my part, rest assured. But yes,

Absolutely, all that and much more! And it's interesting, why wouldn't I post here with my real name and why wouldn't I be proud of what I do? :)

Not sure what that point is. After all, no one is saying anyone should stop teaching the classic canon. But if you want to know what our culture is saying to itself right here and now - what our people, our country, and our world shares in terms of ideas and identity - you won't find it on that shelf nearly as readily

They'll always be there for you.

Having taught a number of these courses, I can definitely say that being a fan and knowing them well in no way diminishes how much we tend to discover when we all begin to discuss them in the context of class. It really does work well. And before you know it, an entire room is discussing topics they would never delve

I'm available for interview/comment, but if you want an explanation for why classes like this actually matter, here it is: