Arnold Palmer+the drink, not the golfer

at least half of those screens are SIPR or higher - if Joe Photo is running around, those can’t be on...or should be set to some benign logo - like you see on the screens on the right, and on the viz-wall (they don’t watch that many news channels in there at once). Also, the red blinky light in the top left corner

Also important to note - that at it’s “top allowed speed” (10-15mph), it takes 26 minutes for the street car to run the route.

security through obscurity.

In the DMV - if the weather is rideable on a weekend, these asshats are on the beltway pulling this crap. I’m on the beltway a ton over the weekends and it’s rare that I don’t run into groups like this, maybe not this large of a group, but 20-30 riders is an easy day here. you never WANT someone to get hurt, but it’s

lol, enjoy. we’ll be seeing La Sylphide next month with the NY Ballet.

what do you mean you guys? I said I would let him do Ballet, no questions asked.

First off, Drew, count me in for double fat shredded cheese - reduced fat stinks on ice.

hey now.

yep, mexidips and chips and a 6 pack of party tacos was a regular meal in high school/college...sadly, not in the mid atlantic states either.

“The one thing China would fear is not a united Korea, but millions of Korean refugees pouring across the border seeking safety, or just trying to bug out of the country now that the lid has come off. My guess is that any successful regime change in the DPRK will have to include securing the border with China so

i’ve been at 2 KC135 bases and observed walks at both - elephant is definitely a solid term.

ever done amateur electric work? that’s the stuff that scares the hell out of me way more than guns... well, and thanks to your comment, saws. I need to remember the carrot example when my kid gets old enough.

I knew of a man back in the 80's/90's who lived in a state where they couldn’t sell cold-singles of beer, but could sell cold 6/12/24 packs. Periodically, said man would buy a 12 pack from the package store near his office and they’d write his name on the box. On the way home from work, man would drive through (yes

love this car - First car I ever went over 100MPH in. I think i was maybe 14 (and a passenger), riding with a friend and his dad. Thought it was the fastest car on the planet at that particular moment in time.

Must know more...this sounds like an epic trip of awesome. With the family to boot :)

We got our daughter the Kano computer for Christmas. She’s 6 and has had it for 3 weeks and is already piecing together code and navigating the Linux terminal (with a bit of shoulder surfing from dad). The bluetooth keyboard is sweet - just a bit small for adult hands, perfect for hers. Right now, we’re using a spare

I got my kid a Kano ( - She’s six and I was a bit concerned it would be too advanced for her. It’s really a cool piece of kit - raspberry pi 2, case, cables, bluetooth keyboard, speaker and Kano load of linux. Using the instruction book (as easy as a lego kit), she had it up and running and she was

100% agree with this. In fact, it’s more important than “the sex talk” IMO, most all kids are getting some sort of it in formalized schools today. You don’t get family medical history from anyone but your family. Case in poiint, I’m a 35 year old man and just had a conversation with my dad about hereditary heart valve

My grandfather had one of those too - it had 40mph air conditioning, standard transmission and a tape deck. Learned to drive stick on that thing and it took a beating in the process. Great little “pick ‘em up” as he used to call them.

what? I can’t see what you did there...