Arnold Palmer+the drink, not the golfer

vice being an individual in a car that they landed on in the parking lot. your snark is almost good. but not quite.

Ok, how about this for justification—they’re good clean entertainment, and we’re, by far, not the only country that has demonstration teams. The crux of my comment was fairly basic though - whatever the amount, the US government spends far more on other, much more wasteful discretionary activities.

Because there are far less important things that your tax dollars also go to that you aren’t complaining about. The entire US military budget is maybe 15% of the total Federal spending ($3.8T in 2015). Annually, the Air Force spends $35M on all of their civic out reach (which includes demonstration teams, but also

so takeoffs are out then? Oddly enough, that’s when the aircraft is at it’s lowest... As with any aircraft, the likelihood of a crash is highest when the plane is low, slow and “dirty” (even a takeoff of an F18A is relatively slow) and that’s when this accident occurred. It could have just as easily have happened when

i hope this comment gets the stars it truly deserves...

Correction: A previous version of this post incorrectly said Richard Bradley is retired. In fact, he is the current editor-in-chief of Worth. I regret the error. This is what a professional journalistic correction looks like, in the unlikely event that any editors at Worth or writers at Reason ever need to issue one.

yep - built in wichita. As is the entire nose of the 787, most of the struts/nacelles... and none actually built by Boeing.

Aside from Precheck, I always wear a sport coat or jacket - once in the queue (before the agent even checks your boarding pass), peel the belt, wallet, keys,watch, phone, everything and put it in the jacket pockets (or shove it into the backpack). The only thing in my hands when I get to the agent is the pass and my

or pennsylvania.

As told from the other guy’s side:

your indigence is cute. So take an operating winery/vineyard for example - they have an event space, but also industrial machinery in the back/cellar etc.... Were an unattended child go exploring and get hurt, who’s liable? You better believe the operator of that location doesn’t want to be liable, so why not include

176,813—- the number of miles on my current daily driver as of this morning’s commute. It’s fairly well maintained, safe, and (knock on wood) runs well. I make great money, I have a home and two kids with great credit. I can “afford” a $500 a month car payment. I just don’t wanna.

so, you haven’t played the old knifey spoony game then...

That’s not a knife...this is a knife...

No - read them like a continuum. First, be mobile. If you can’t disengage/run, then make space by placing barriers (if possible), when contact is made, protect your centerline, don’t fixate, and stay in the fight until you can safely disengage.

but god forbid if the cops toss assholes like this a beating for being assholes...

USMC - Marine

so much this. is so irrelevant, even the Obama administration has forgotten they exist.

this didn’t get nearly the love it deserved...

i have this book, and it’s actually pretty good.