
Comment is 4 years old, but I'll reply anyway—"Sign on the dotted line" has a friendly, almost jingle-ish feel to it. The line used, while awkward, can't be misconstrued as being friendly in the least, and Blake wasn't a guy who was very friendly.

Comment is 4 years old, but I'll reply anyway—"Sign on the dotted line" has a friendly, almost jingle-ish feel to it. The line used, while awkward, can't be misconstrued as being friendly in the least, and Blake wasn't a guy who was very friendly.

So, the take away from this is that over the course of 20 years the media has degraded to the point that they're at a level where they would take the ranting of a nutcase like Jesse Jackson seriously. Fortunately, I can say "the media" and not "the public" because few people outside of hollywood did much besides

Really don't get the obsession with this movie, I guess its like the equally baffling obsession people had with Avatar a few years ago. Fury Road was best described by the characters in it—"mediocre!". One the plus side, at least people aren't writing bad teenybopper poetry inspired by it, so theres that.

It was so the show afterwards would be called "Fear the Talking Dead". They were forced to use that name for the talk show by the truth in advertising standards.

I disagree with you about the characters, I couldnt stand any of them and I'd have been happy to see them get eaten.

I got 45 mins into it before shutting it off, which was fine, as I didn't have to watch a later showing of The Strain.