
Looks like a cooler version of Waspinator who doesn’t get blown up in every battle.

Good idea!

Side note: “The Pirates! Band of Misfits” is an underrated kids movie.

I miss the days when the Discovery channel actually showed good content instead of shitty reality shows.

Just like changes to Facebook, every single time.

Fuck off with the transphobia 

Annnnd...we know who’s voting for Trump come November.

Still waiting for my Elric and Pern series...

I’ve only got one question with this series and thats: WHERE THE HECK IS ADMIRAL JANEWAY AND WILL SHE FIX STARFLEET PLZ?!

The more I hear about these two games, the more OK I feel with waiting until the inevitable “definitive” copies of these games comes out, a la Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon. I know it’s probably a vain effort to hope that they’ll use that opportunity to address the many complaints that have surfaced and reconcile what was

This is pretty much exactly what I wanted to read about Sword and Shield.

Great, we are creating an unstoppable army of Nintendo speedrunners to kill everyone lining up for the Sonic the Hedgehog movie.

Ok crafty Kotaku readers, you know what must be done. Custom pink seat covers for Fahey’s power chair. Go!

I think Cavill looks dumb in that wig

This looks like it’s concentrated on Geralt and Yenneffer meeting the first time, Ciri’s origins, Geralt first refusal to claim her and then Ciri and Geralt trying to find each other during the war. Also Sodden Hill battle. I wonder how they would mold it into one coherent timeline since many of these are decades

Evil is evil. Lesser, greater, middling, it makes no difference.

Fuck Jim Spanfeller. Deadspin forever. 

Some of the effects were a little iffy (the monster, some of the battle scenes, they can’t give Geralt vertical pupils?), and it looks like they’re mixing the events of the books somewhat (Ciri in the Frying Pan happens in like, the 4th book), but I’m still on board. Kinda irked that it’s coming out the day I go on

Henry Cavill’s wig still looks bad.

I said this in another post, but it bears repeating: Fuck Spanfeller. I’d be sitting here reading Deadspin right now, at work, if you weren’t such a fucking dipshit.