
My question is: What happens when you enter the store with the app, and then your phone dies while you’re shopping?

Instead of Internal Affairs regarding these issues, can’t we get a group of lawyers assigned to investigate these type of issues, pooled from all over the country, anonymously reviewing. Say about 11 lawyers or so, all anonymously reviewing the actions and deciding if the cops legally followed procedures?

That way the

Philly fans do!

It’ll help this time that they didn’t steal the friggin playbook...

He knows how to tie a knot?!

Just look at this photograph, everytime it makes a Canadian laugh.

You need to watch Canadian Bacon then, my friend.

Is this perhaps ground for a libel suit if they did indeed attempt to falsify his statements?

Yea, I remember I got to like some sort of prison or something; I remember I was following a guide for whatever reason; I think it was so I wouldn’t miss out on and Djinn and not be able to get them afterwards.

I wanted to love it so much since I loved the first two but... I just couldn’t.

I’m sad to say I never finished Golden Sun 3 :(

You mean like the time the Trump foundation used $10k to buy a painted picture of Trump for him to hang up in one of his establishments?

Super Smash Kart!

Sounds like it was ripped from the pages of the Laundry Files...

Perhaps you make up a smaller, second batch where you include the peels from the first recipe plus your other taters, and make them into a more lump mash, then combine the two together in one bowl, mixing slightly? Get the best of both worlds.

Trump makes ‘Merry Christmas” sounds like a dirty phrase.

I just built a new rig for my dad, and the damn mobo manual wasn’t even a manual! It was just a brief overview of locations (Front header pins here!), and a QR code to the complete manual...

So question: When it’s winter time and you don’t own a garage, and the temperature is below freezing for weeks on end (HA, like that happens in my area anymore), what is the optimal procedure for getting salt off your car?

My work hours normally entail me getting up before the sun, and getting home after, so there’s

We see Rey kick some dude’s asses with her staff. We see her piloting a speeder bike. We hear her mention she’s flown before. We’ve seen she’s heard stories of the Rebellion and of Luke and Han and the rest. She’s experienced force powers being used against her, and she was able to resist her mind being read and

They want it to be a remake of the original trilogy, but NOT a remake of the original trilogy. Don’t make it like the OT, but don’t make it not like the OT. You’re the expert, you can do it, right?