
So I’m going to be pissed on AND pissed off?

I’d imagine the Y-wings at least would have been discarded from use. They were leftovers from the Clone Wars. So you’d imagine some of those frames would be pushing over 50-60 years old? During ROTJ They’d be about what, 25-30 years old at that point?

But yea, I was hoping for some B-Wing love.

Have the game be done in “seasons”. Each season is it’s own unique tale, and you only get one character per season. Month long seasons perhaps? But gotta incorporate something that would keep former playings coming back till the end perhaps?

I think about it this way: When we learned about Palpatine, we learned he was the emperor of the empire, which we knew was evil based upon the title crawl. That gives us everything we needed to really know about him: He was the figurehead and leader of this evil entity and that was good enough.

In a perfect vacuum of

I’ve seen people suggest that Snoke isn’t dead; he was just doing a very well defined force projection and was testing out Kylo.

I’m more inclined to believe he’s dead, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that Snoke won’t re-appear. Imagine if IX opens with Kylo entering Snoke’s lair, and encountering one of his

Just have them keep jumping from hyperspace to hyperspace. It takes them a just a little to get there and all. Jump, stay out of range, coordinate a jump to latest place. Have them be criss crossing on the way to Crait.

I stated this elsewhere, but if you simply had dropped the whole “fuel reserves” thing in the beginning and only brought it up after showing Rey going through some training to imply some time had passed, it makes it a bit more ambigious like ESB and then you set the tone of tension with them running out of fuel,

I’ve been sitting on it, and the more I think about the themes and all, and how the characters interacted, the more I’m coming around to loving the film. It’s the exact opposite of how I walked out of TFA. With TFA, I walked out with a huge grin on my face, loving the new characters, and hopeful to see what happens

I’ve said this elsewhere, but it also helps put in perspective the Maul / Obi-Wan fight in Rebels. You can see just how masterfully Luke can handle himself. That fight definitely could have been ended up on the first blows by Luke if he had wanted. I read the scene as Luke finally letting Kylo work through his

I think they’re making a powerful connection between Rey and Kylo.

Kylo felt abandoned by his father and mother; they were too concerned with their own lives than they were with him. Then he gets sent off to be with his uncle, who begins to train him. Then he gets the bomb dropped on him that his

To me it honestly felt like Rose was shoved in there (by corporate perhaps, whether that be Lucasfilm or Disney) to break up the whole “Foe” shipping (Finn + Poe). Rose and Finn together, and Poe and Rey together (Their whole “I’m Poe Dameron”, “I’m Rey”, “I know” exchange felt like a harkening to ESB to hit upon that

After her whole big “Hope” speech and all though, what with Leia being hurt, and Rose’s whole having to stop people from deserting, you’d think she’d let the last of the fleet in on her plan? To give a spark of hope and keep morale up? The entire senior leadership is dead, apart from one who is currently knocked the

If anyone had paid attention to the timeline, they’d see Kylo was only 5 years older than Rey, so there’s no way in hell she was her daughter..

Nah, use Wesley’s “To the Pain” remark. Dying’s easy.

I dunno, once you get to cracking the first egg, these people have had years of study. It’s not like each egg was it’s own little kingdom of knowledge. Kinda makes sense that once the initial barrier was down for the first egg, within the year or so the others would be found.

I found the book a fun little read; not

Gram gram will have passed away, and he’ll be mourning by knocking some balls around and hit himself in the head. While in the hospital, someone stops by with a chess board and he kicks ass at it.

So the sequel to Happy Gilmore will be involving Chess? He’ll get a bump on the head from one of his balls richocheting, and become a chess prodigy?

Why don’t we just declare Jerusalem it’s own nation-state, like the Vatican, that isn’t claimed by anyone?

I’d have asked him to stay the entire time, sitting in the front, pointedly looking at him about lecturing about the indecency of affairs with minors and how unchristian like that behavior is...

And if he tried to leave... well, shame him the hell for it.

I’ve got the mortgage paperwork in hand and all. I’ve just gotta get clarification on one or two things from my loaner, and then all set. Just need to wait till January to close so have the closing costs (I only make 30k a year, and my car insurance came due at the wrong time, leaving me short 1k). But for the deal