
They should probably offer it with a vinyl graphic across the bottom of the doors

Is there any more terrifying work situation than when an IT guy tunnels in and takes remote control of your computer? “Oh, this will only take about 30 minutes to an hour. Please hold off on using your machine during this time. Thanks!”

Manufacturers can help, and I wish they actually would. An idea:

i'm having a hard time understanding what i'm seeing here, why aren't these policemen killing anyone?

I've cast aside my Bears allegiance and am now solely an Orton fan.

Can someone explain to me why sports stadiums can afford giant screens, fancy vendors/clubs, amazing private suites, constantly replacing/improving the turf and all the other expensive necessities, but they can't include like 30 private showers for their players?

First they came for my bacon and I said nothing ........

Oh, for fuck's sake, this still doesn't tell me how long I have to freeze the cake for! SMDH,, useless!