I quite liked it. It wasn’t a cinematic masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination but it was a fairly solid action/comedy clearly intended to be the start of a franchise.
I quite liked it. It wasn’t a cinematic masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination but it was a fairly solid action/comedy clearly intended to be the start of a franchise.
Like something a little tween girl might write to try and be cool.
I thought that to. Like WTF did I just read?
This review makes less sense than the movie.
Always good to see a healthy 90-year-old walking on her own, having a pleasant time learning something new. One of my friends, a wonderful, life-filled woman of 86, teaches, drives, throws and sells pots, produces gorgeous Chinese paintings, and cracks Sicilian jokes. Her schedule would wear me out, but she carries…
Let me guess, for no reason aside from your irrational, overwrought, arbitrary dislike of Jennifer Lawrence.
They’re both assholes, so if this was a romantic comedy, they should be hooking up anytime now!
Dozens of people had to see this? So terrible.
and this is how GRR Martin got an idea for Lannister siblings.
All the non-rich people I know do their own taxes, except the ones with relatives who are accountants.
The false equivalency of calling Hillary as bad as Trump drives me nuts.
I don’t feel bad for her.
Yeah, her writing has historically contained so many errors that the Times decided in 2005 that she needed her own individual copy editor to handle the Herculean task of double-checking all “facts.”
This. What did this girl do to the Internet gods to deserve a bad picture at the bottom of every fucking website? Has anyone ever clicked on this link? WHAT DOES DONALD NOT WANT US TO KNOW ABOUT HER?
Does that mean in two years when I’m being handed my phd, my memories of being assaulted by men will be magically replaced with new memories in which I pet kittens with philosophers? Because that would sure make nighttime public transit less of an anxiety crap shoot.
So THAT’S why so many assaults happen in high school and college! Once you get your advanced degree though, you’re safe
My wife once found a plush german shepherd that looked remarkably like her dog. I bought it for her and when she brought it home she discovered every time she would cuddle it, her dog would walk over and put her head on her lap with a sad look on her face.
It was hilarious.
Serena and her coach immediately starting whining about injuries and taking the credit away from Pliskova. They are such sore losers.
Re: That’s interesting.