Bye Bye Linux Support. It was nice while it lasted.
Bye Bye Linux Support. It was nice while it lasted.
He is SEAL Team 6 material! Not to worry, I am sure he has an invite from them in his inbox.
When "Regular" Army forces fill magazines they may put 1 or 2 tracer rounds as the first round of the magazine. This way, when the first person spot the enemy and decides to fire, the rest of the Team can immediately tell the general direction of the enemy and shoot in that direction. Of course, tracer rounds also…
Logitech Performance MX has been my favorite (tough technically it is not a gaming mouse)....
I installed it on a USB stick today to give it a shot. As soon as I found out Unity doesn't support Desktop applets I stopped. How am I suppose to know how fast my fans are spinning? What is my mobo, CPU, GPU temp? What about the System Monitor? Weather? Will have to google later...
Exactly, my whole family have gmail accounts so why bother with a separate application? You know what is worst? The spam requests I get at least one a day from Skype even tough my profile is private.
Sing along with me: "bye bye Skype, bye bye Skype, will see you again...[never!]"
The only good thing about it? That Skype will have just a little bit more pressure to do the same....
Wrong! All it does is open the doc in the mobile browser based web editor so if you had a sketchy connection (or on a flight or a subway, etc') you are still out of luck. What they really need to provide are off-line capabilities and a built in editor....
Thanks for the info... but, since this is a windo$z free home, I will still be staying away... How hard can it be to offer an export function in the web interface?
I refuse to use it until they add an export feature. All these great features are not going to help me if and when I need to move my stuff somewhere else. Last time I checked, it wasn't available.
I agree. That is exactly my strategy. I specifically make sure I get an outrageously large refund, as oppose to more every month. In the later case, the family standard of leaving would have naturally gone higher (read: wasted more money). This way, it goes straight in into the savings account.
Ticking time bomb!
RSS has changed the way I use the web (Google Reader). No longer do I need to refresh Gizmodo every 5 minutes like an idiot...
I got excited for the Google Reader tip, but alas it was not working on an N1 or Nexus S. You would think that if anything, it would work on the Google Reference Phones, no?
I can tell you that booting from an SSD on LGA1366 is so fast to begin with for me, that Ubuntu simply couldn't cope with it... I was getting race conditions with GDM and basically had to insert a sleep statement there to purposefully slow it down.
Can someone explain to me how could it possibly be that Espresso has the least amount of caffeine per cap? That one caught me completely by surprise.
Am I the only one who thought that Adrian's last name is related to the content of the post?
How do you increase Android's penetration in the market? You put one of those chaps in front of each T-mobile (and soon to be) AT&T store....