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I'm too afraid this would happen. I regularly work with people who think they're Jim Halpert.

Yeah, you definitely get a heart click from me. Right now I'm trying to chase down a job so I can buy a Jeep Comanche. I saw one that's almost perfect. It's a 1986 with the 2.5, five speed and longbed. I kind of wanted a 4.0 six 4x2, but this one is in really nice shape. It'll be a great daily driver while I work on

I was one year off from greatness. *cries in his DeLorean*

Gullwings, mid-engined, fold away gas cap in the hood, Irish build quality...smells like 1981.

I have been there and seen that Corvette. Awesome.

I have the strangest boner right now.

Wonder how much a chopped up Maybach goes for at auction...

I need to get my tool.

Holy crap. I love that tunnel Roadrunner decal on the trunk.

B-b-but you said the Malaise era rand from 1975 to 1985! If we're including '73 GTOs, we should also include 1974 Dodge Monacos. Just try finding one for a reasonable price these days.

I have the strangest boner right now.

American parts, Chinese parts...all made in Taiwan!

I shouldn't have said anything. I want to do the exact same thing and now we're giving other people ideas.

Because Dukes of Hazzard fans.

About five minutes to double check the numbers. I've been a long time fan of the show, so I knew all the General Lee tallies. Plus, I've brought this up several times at car shows when a '69 Charger owner starts whining about how the show destroyed all those other precious Chargers.

Not just Novas, but Monacos and and Furies. For every General busted, there were at least two cop cars and one baddie car, which was often also a Monaco or Fury.

A few things: 89,199 (Chargers built in 1969) - 364 (the largest number I've heard used referring to Chargers used on Dukes of Hazzard, although the actual number is more like 256) + 24 (the smallest reported number of surviving Generals from the show) - 24 (from the movie) + 5 (the minimum surviving Lees) = 88,840

I second this nomination.

Yet I'm sure it will be heavier, more expensive, less fuel efficient and less reliable.

I'm sure he was, but it was too good an opportunity to pass up.