Christine Q.

They don’t need to say it.

Okay but why tho

Crash Bandicoot’s Girlfriend Gets One Heck Of A Glow Up

There’s no need to be mean.

It might just be me sucking on sour grapes but... I’m kind of glad this game got middling reviews. I’ve seen videos and god, It looks like an epileptic nightmare. Like... not everything needs to spark. There is no real distinction between characters (light attack, medium attack, super) the dlc, the multiplayer just...

honestly, i just can’t stand the heat anymore.

weirdly enough I’ve started to love warm showers that I turn into increasingly cold showers

get some good sleep, eat a good meal and take a long shower

hot bath followed by ice cream?

I’m going to be so happy when I leave america for good.

Zack, you forgot to change Ariados to Purrloin :x

Yeah, I knew that 20 years ago, hon. Also, 3 pretty much was his shot, and considering how ludicrously dated the gameplay was, the visuals were and just the massively unsatisfying “and Lan Di got away again” ending, I really hope backers of 3 don’t back him again.

Oh. Oh god I had never actually read the comic where Gwen Stacy died and jesus christ that hurts.

Sorry shenmue, You broke my heart 17 years ago with cliffhanger everyone said wouldn’t get concluded. Then a year ago you broke my heart again by coming out with a 3rd installment that went nowhere.

I must be getting cynical with age.

I read “vigilante who’s all buddy-buddy with cops” and I thought of that son of a bitch kid who murdered two people in front of police and the cops started kissing his ass.

Katelyn Ohashi would like a word.

Seems like there’s not a whole lot of variety in play between characters. 

they were dead to me when they dropped the cheesy potato burrito.