Christine Q.

that’s very nice of you hon

sir, the promise of the avengers is not an enticement.

sir, the promise of the avengers is not an enticement.

I’m just tired of being fetishized by both cis men and women. 

It really was considering I’m super gunshy when it comes to that sort of stuff.

It’s going... bad. Another fun lyft story.

or wait like a year and get the goty version with everything.

Honestly? I just want someone to undo the 3 1/2 years of truly ugly, reprehensible shit that’s happened. rescind all the damage to the lgbt community, work on healthcare that’s not tied to jobs, scale back police funding on weaponry, train and employ more social workers and apply government contracts to both them and

I mean, they’re *promising* “tons” of multiplayer content, but if the base game isn’t fun, it doesn’t sell well, or it’s broken and buggy, it could quickly be the new anthem.


*hears ubisoft mentioned*

The new one’s very cute, very wholesome, very dumb. I kind of loved it.

so you’re saying the original is a crappybara.

*gets up and smacks you lightly in the face*

It’s absolutely unfair. and to think my mom constant defends the ‘need’ for billionaires.

Getting caught lurking by zack like

I was more shocked and upset than I thought i’d be at this. Not a personal loss, but the idea that entertainment is now lesser without him.

that’s a fucking heavy loss.

Ew. I always wondered when Corporate “sass” was going to hit that level where’s it’s just needy, and of course wendy’s went that way after its food quality took a shit and its breakfast menu nosedived. sorry wendy’s. your chicken sandwiches were good, once. now you’re just as sad as your mushy fries.

maybe we’ll get lucky and all these anti-mask shitbags will give each other corona and die.

Just out of curiosity, have there really been enough (or any) couch multiplayer games outside of the fighting game niche to warrant purchasing 2 additional controllers within like the last decade?